Chapter 8

Our break is over and classes are starting. I had so much fun on the camping trip. But it was also extremely nice to see my dad. Gosh, I already miss him again.

I make my way towards my last class of the day. I'm a little later than usual, so there aren't many seats left when I arrive. One next to that creepy guy, one next to a girl but her purse is on the seat, so it's probably taken. Then there's a seat free next to Dimitri. I sigh, as I walk towards him.

"How the tables have turned," he says, as I sit down next to him.

"Well, it's not like I had a choice," I tell him, as I find my pen and notes.

"Actually, you did. You could have sat with that guy," he says and points at the creepy guy in the corner.

"No, I couldn't. That guy is too creepy," I tell him honestly.

"And I am not?"

"Well, you're not creepy, but you're definitely something."

"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" He asks me, a small smirk trying to breakthrough.

"Nope. It was actually an insult. You can be very scary and intimidating sometimes, but it's still better than creepy. And I know you won't touch me, mainly because you hate me, but I think that guy would probably try to," I ramble, suddenly nervous.

His smirk falters a little as he replies, "I do not hate you. I am just not particularly fond of you. And if you really were scared of me, you would not be sitting here. There were other seats you could have chosen."

I look around the room. There are about 4 free chairs on the front row.

"They weren't here when I walked in," I scuff and turn my head in the teacher's direction.

Dimitri snorts but doesn't reply.

I can't help but feel like something has changed between us. He seems to be in a good mood today. Well, I wouldn't say good, but he's less grumpy than usual.


I head towards the coffeeshop after my last class. Halfway there, I feel a figure walking beside me. I look up and make eye contact with Dimitri.

"Stop sneaking up on me like that. You're scaring me. And what are you doing here anyway?" I ask him, my heart beating a little faster than normal.

"I am going to get a coffee," he says monotonously with his signature Russian accent.

"Well... okay," I say and continue walking.

I stop in my tracks after a minute.

"Why are you stopping?" Dimitri asks me.

"Why are you stopping?" I ask him.

Something is weird.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asks me, clearly confused.

"You said you were going to get coffee, but when I stop, you stop. You could've just continued walking, but you didn't. Is something wrong? You don't like me, so why are you trying to walk with me?" I explain and ask him, genuinely confused.

He curses under his breath and looks at me, "Jeez, I am sorry. I did not think it would be this big of a problem. I will get out of your hair now since you clearly do not want me around." His tone is harsh and he is back to his normal self again. Shit, I caused that.

He walks away, but I quickly catch up to him.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I was genuinely just confused. You usually don't want to be around me, so-" My words get cut off.

"Just shut up already. I do not even care. I saw that creepy guy, from class, undressing you with his eyes. You have expressed how he freaks you out, so I was just making sure he did not follow you or something. But I definitely do not care. You can do whatever the hell you want," he explains. I instantly feel embarrassed. I shouldn't have said anything earlier.

"I'm sorry for asking dumb questions before… And thank you for, you know, walking with me. I appreciate it," I tell him, my voice tiny.

His hard demeanor falls a little, as he says, "It is okay."

After that, we walk in silence to the coffee shop. I order a latte to go. Dimitri orders a plain black. Huh, should have known. It's as dark as his soul.

As I wait for my coffee to get ready, my phone rings.

"Hi, this is Ruby," I say.

"Hi, Ruby," my dad answers. Oh, I miss him.

"How are you?" I ask him happy to finally hear from him.

"I'm good, I just miss my little girl."

"I miss you too."

My coffee is ready and I can't walk with a coffee, a phone, and all my papers, so I quickly tell my dad, "I gotta go. Love you!"

"Okay, love you too, honey," he tells me.

I hang up and get my coffee.

"Boyfriend?" Dimitri asks me. I've completely forgotten he is here.

"Nope - my dad," I tell him as we head out of the cafe.

"No boyfriend?" He asks me, but I can't ignore the surprise in his voice. He can be a very strange guy sometimes.

"Nope, single as a pringle." Gosh, why did I say that? I could've just said no.

He grunts but doesn't comment.

"What about you? Girlfriend? Or boyfriend for the matter, I don't mind," I ask him.

He stops and looks at me, before shaking his head and continue walking.

"Soo… that was a no or a yes?" I ask him. I can't help but be curious.

"No, I do not have a girlfriend. And definitely do not have a boyfriend," he says.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, you know," I tell him.

"Never said there were."

"Oh, okay," I say. I can just never figure out when he's being serious. It's always the same, lame tone.

I don't notice we arrive at my dorm, before Dimitri says, "This is your stop. Goodbye."

"See ya tomorrow," I tell him and walk into my dorm. Emily is nowhere to be seen, so I change into pajamas and begin studying.

Today has been a very strange day. It's as if Dimitri and I somehow made a silent truce. I'm glad about it, but it doesn't mean we're going to be best friends. Not that he would want that anyway.