Chapter 18

The air is tense, as we sit close inside a small booth. I'm sitting beside Dimitri, directly in front of my Dad. The guys haven't said a word to each other, since we arrived 5 minutes ago.

"So what are you getting?" I ask them, trying to break the silence.

"I don't know, honey. A burger sounds nice, I guess," my Dad answers me. "What are you getting, Dimitri?" My Dad asks him, at least trying to make conversation.

"A sandwich," Dimitri answers in a monotone voice, just like he used to do with me.

"Great, let's order then," I say and nod at the waiter.

As we wait on our food, my Dad asks, "So… why aren't you living on campus anymore?"

"I did not like my roommate," Dimitri answers him.

"Then why didn't you just change the dorm?" My Dad asks him, sounding extremely judgemental.

"Because I would rather have my own apartment," Dimitri answers him again, but I can see his patience running thin.

"Can you afford that in the long term?"

"Dad!" I shriek and grab Dimitri's hand under the table, in case he's gonna leave.

Dimitri intervenes our hands as my Dad answers, "I'm sorry Dimitri. That was an inappropriate thing to ask."

"Yes, it was," Dimitri says coldly, but gives me a small glance before saying, "But I accept your apology."

My head snaps around to meet his eyes. When the hell did he just say? I was expecting him to be out of the door in a minute, but instead, he accepts my Dad's apology? I'm positively surprised.

Dimitri's thumb caresses the top of my hand as if saying he's only doing this for me. But I know him, so I know that is complete bullshit. Dimitri doesn't listen to anyone.

My Dad changes his tone from cold and judgemental, to sweet and happy, as he asks Dimitri, "So, Ruby told me you guys met in class. How did you begin talking?"

"Well the first real conversation we had, was the night she pepper-sprayed me in the eyes," Dimitri says, smirking. He knows I hate when we talk about that. But I am glad that he's trying to be more civil to my father.

"You did what?" My Dad asks me, completely shocked.

"I was walking home alone in the dark, and I heard steps behind me. Instead of checking it out, as a normal person would do, I pepper-sprayed him directly into his eyes. Then he started swearing and yelling. I didn't go away, though. I stayed and tried to talk to him, but he was beyond pissed. So instead we walked back to campus in silence. But at least I wasn't walking alone," I ramble out to my Dad, who is laughing his butt off.

"Don't laugh. I was genuinely scared, so I had to defend myself," I say low-key joking, low-key not joking.

When my father finally stops laughing, he says, "I'm glad you know how to defend yourself. Even though, I can see you have nothing to be scared of from this guy."

I can feel my entire face turn red in an instant. I cover my face with my hair, as I give my Dad a pointed look. Why does he always have to be so embarrassing?

After about an hour, we're done with our meals and ready to go. Dimitri and I hadn't let each other's hands go, while we ate. Which, by the way, made it very difficult for me to eat. The electricity between Dimitri and I is insane every time we touch. I can't describe it, but I know I like the feeling.

As we walk back to campus, my Dad and Dimitri talk about something random. They aren't completely cool with each other yet, but they're getting there.

As Dimitri is about to turn around and walk away, I stop him. My Dad is already inside my dorm, waiting for me.

"Thank you for today, Dimitri," I tell him sincerely.

"It is no problem," he shrugs.

"I really do appreciate it."

"I know," he states.

"Well, I'll see you later then?" I ask him unsurely.

"Of course you will. How else will you wash your clothes?" He jokes. I don't think I'll ever get used to him joking around, and being this playful.

I chuckle as I walk inside my dorm, where my Dad is sitting on my bed.


My Dad and I are currently sitting at a nice restaurant, waiting for our dinner. We had spent the rest of the afternoon seeing California. My Dad had been over the moon for all the stores and things that are here. He's not used to a busy life, in a busy city, surrounded by people he doesn't know.

As I take a sip of my water, my Dad asks out of nowhere, "So, how long have you and Dimitri been dating?"

I choke on my water, before whisper-yelling, "Dad! Dimitri and I aren't dating. I would have told you if we were. Why would you even think that?"

"Oh please, honey. Why did you guys hold hands at lunch today then?"

"You saw that?" I ask him, embarrassed.

"Of course I saw that. You're my daughter," he chuckles.

"Right… but that still doesn't mean that we're dating," I tell him.

"But you like him," he states simply.

I know I can't lie to him, so I just stay silent.

"You actually do?" He asks me, shocked.

"Yeah. It's hard to explain, but he just makes me feel so happy."

"Well, I guess I should've been nicer to him, then," he says.

"Yeah, you should have. And I honestly don't know why Dimitri didn't just get up and leave."

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Know what?" I ask my Dad.

"The guy is completely in love with you," he states.

"No, he isn't."

"Yes, he is, Ruby."

"Just stop, okay. I don't want to talk about Dimitri anymore," I snap at my Dad.

"Alright, alright," he says, his hands up in the air, as if he's surrounding.

"Good. Now, how is it going at home?" I ask him politely.

"It's good."

We talk back and forth for the rest of the evening, before heading back to the campus.

"See you tomorrow morning," I yell as he walks away, after dropping me off at my dorm.

"See ya," he yells back.

I chuckle and walk inside my dorm. Emily isn't here - surprise, surprise. I sigh and strip out of my clothes, getting ready for bed. It's been a long day, and I'm really just ready for some sleep. And soon enough, I'm off to dreamland.