Chapter 28

"She said what to you?" Dimitri asks me, getting agitated.

As promised, Dimitri made breakfast for me. I'm now telling Dimitri everything that happened between Emily and me, while I eat.

"Yeah, I got the same reaction. But serious for a moment, I don't want to mess up my friendship with her, alright? You can't walk out of here and bombard her with your possessiveness."

"My what?"

Oh shit. I just let that slip out, didn't I?

"Nothing. But are we clear on that part?" I ask him, trying to avoid him getting mad. I don't like it when he does.

"Either you talk to her or I will," Dimitri tells me.

"Don't just throw an ultimatum like that at me… But yes, I will talk to her later, alright?"

"Good. Now, I am gonna go down to the store and buy some groceries."

"Oh, well I'll get out then," I tell him and begin to gather the few things I brought.

"Why?" He asks me simply.

"Why?.. Why what?"

"Why are you leaving?" He asks me, himself confused.

"Uhhh, I don't know. I've never been inside your apartment without you, I guess."

"Well, there is a first time for everything."

"True, but I need to leave now anyway. Gotta take my home-alone-in-Dimitri's-apartment virginity later then," I chuckle as we walk out of his apartment together. I'm getting ready to face Emily even though I saw her less than an hour ago.

Dimitri rolls his eyes at my pathetic attempt at a joke and kisses me goodbye, before driving down to the store.

I begin my way to my dorm, hoping Emily's there. I honestly don't know what I'll say to her yet. Guess I'll just have to figure it out when I'm standing in front of her.

When I finally arrive at my dorm a couple of minutes later, there's no Emily insight. I sigh and look around the room. Her handbag and phone are here, so she must be getting a coffee or taking a shower. Who knows.

I walk over to my side of the dorm and throw myself onto my bed. My heart is beating so loud, that I'm sure she will hear it when she sees me. I sigh again and get up from the bed. I'm too anxious to sit still - I've never been good with confrontations. Especially not if I'm confronting a friend. My eyes flicker around the room until I notice something unordinary sticking out of Emily's handbag. What the hell is that? I slowly make my way to the bag and grab the object. My eyes widen at the thing I'm looking at, and at the same moment, the door opens. I spin around quickly, seeing a guilty-looking Emily, standing with wet hair and a towel swung over her shoulder. She knows I know.

"Is this why you are acting so different all of a sudden?" I ask her accusingly, holding the glass of drugs up in front of her.

"It's not what you think," Emily tries to say.

"Then what is it?" I ask her harshly. When she stays quiet, I walk over to her and take her hands in mine.

"Emily, do you need help?" I ask her with a much more sweet and caring voice. I know this is not the time to be upset at her. She clearly is going through some stuff right now, but I've been caught up in my own business, that I didn't even notice before yesterday.

Emily doesn't answer me again, but a silent tear falls down her cheek. That one tear soon turns to two, and by now she's sobbing full out. I lead her over to my bed and she crawls into my lap, almost like a lost puppy. I stroke her hair, as she tries to calm down. Without even asking her to, Emily starts explaining everything.

"It all started at a party 2 months ago, that Harry and I went to. We had gotten into an argument and I was so pissed, that I just kept drinking. Harry had gone home at that point and that only seemed to make me more upset.

Some guy then came up offering me some pills, which I gladly took. As long, as I didn't have to think about Harry, then everything would be fine. At least I thought so.

Then from there, it took a real turn. The rush that came with it, became addicting, which eventually led to me buying more pills. In the beginning, I could control it, I swear, but now I feel the need to take more and more.

It's first to become really bad this past week. I know, I've changed. And I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier. I know, I was acting dumb.

But yes, Ruby, I could really need some help. I don't like this version of me anymore, but then I feel like I can't live without it. And, oh god, what will Harry say about this? Or Jamie? They're going to kill me," she explains, sniffing all the way through. In the end, Emily breaks down again, and I stroke her hair until she falls asleep.

I need to find a way to help her. But how? What will work best - a therapist or rehab?

My mind can't handle these big decisions right now. I need to get a good night's sleep and talk to somebody tomorrow. Emily needs help as soon as possible.

I pick up my phone and decide to just watch movies on there. I can't get my computer because of Emily, but she needs the sleep more than I need a bigger screen.


I've watched a couple of movies and I'm finally feeling sleepy. It's only 9 PM, but I don't care. Emily has slept through the entire day and probably won't wake up before tomorrow morning.

Before I fall asleep, I send a quick text to Dimitri telling him that I won't be coming over tonight. We hadn't anything planned, but we usually spend the weekend nights together.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I feel my bladder begins to clinch. Shit, now I gotta pee. I haven't peed all day so I understand it but come on. I don't want to wake up Emily. I slowly get out of her hold and out of bed. When she doesn't wake up, I sigh out in relief. I quickly run out to the bathroom and pee. Gosh, this is exactly what I needed.

I slowly walk out of there and back to my dorm. To my surprise, Dimitri is just about to knock on my door, thinking I'm inside.

"No!" I whisper-yell at him. Dimitri turns his head and quickly drops his hand.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks me in a normal voice.

"Would you keep it down?" I shush him. He gives me a look and I shut up.

"Answer my question," he says, his voice booming through the halls.

I quickly put my hand on his mouth, again signaling him to stay quiet.

"I talked with Emily," I start and then I tell him everything.

After I'm done talking, he looks at me shocked. Guess he didn't know this was going on either.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask him.

"Alright, listen to me. You are gonna stay with her tonight, okay? And tomorrow morning, Jamie and I will come over here. Emily will get a chance to talk to her brother alone. Then after that, we can figure out how bad things are with her."

I nod and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses me back strongly and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I need to get back in. I'll see you tomorrow morning, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I will go now then. Goodnight Ruby," he tells me.

"Goodnight Dimitri," I answer softly as he walks out of the building.

I, myself, walk back into the dorm, only to find Emily still asleep in my bed. I crawl in beside her and try to give some form for comfort.

"Everything will be alright," I whisper into her hair.