3.- A not so good first impression. Part 3/3

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto or Assassin's Creed. Wish I did though]

"Well that was fun"

After 24 minutes of mental breakdowns, 13 of mental conversations, and 3 of apologies. There was an awkward silence between a young man, a smiling old man, and a mental voice that wanted to strangle said old man.

Mc: "So....."

Frea*cough* God: "Yes"😄

"Im dead?"


"so what now"

"Well that depends"

"Depends in what?"

"On you of course"

"Could you explain"

"Explain what?"


"Where do I go now?"

"Well I could reincarnate you"



"Just like that"


"Do I get anything"

"Well now that you mention it I could give you a couple gifts... yes its decided you get 3 wishes, but 1 has to be a weapon, 1 has to be a skill, and 1 for your choice".

After 5 minutes of considering his options he decided what he wanted.

1.- The iconic retractable blades from Assassin's Creed, but made of the same material as Captain America's shield (I've read too many fanfictions that I don't know the exact material) and being able to conduct magic and energy, and most importantly that its under some kind of fidelus charm, and can only be seen by Mc and those he allows, its existence CANNOT be written down or recorded. its kinda Op but I dont give a shi*.

2.- Shadow Clone Jutsu. Self explanatory with a limit of 50, and it has higher setbacks as Mc doesn't use chakra.

3.- Wind magic. As simple as that, wind blades, tornados, being able to fly. You know the good stuff.

God: hmmmm. Its.. possible... ok, now my turn seeing that you are going "there" I'll add a couple of things.

Mc: Like what?. 'I mean aren't i op enough'

Thought the Mc slightly worried that since he is getting a lot of things, this new "world" will be too dangerous.

God: ohhh its nothing that Op, just a body with the same capabilities as a super soldier, with a higher regeneration capabilities, and a couple of tips with your weapons, it would be a shame to have such a good weapon, and not being able to use it. ohhh and how could forget that foul soul that resides in side of you".





'Does that mean that the voice inside of my head was another person altogether'

God: "Lets make it a little useful"... * evil smirk*

Mc: "What's gonna' happen to it"

Asks our Mc slightly worried what is going to happen to the person that resides inside of him, I mean they have been together his entire life.

God: It's nothing to be worried about, just making him a little useful..

Our favorite "voice" could only keep quiet, what else could he do in this situation, he could very much die in the next minutes. Then he felt it..... he could remember things better, and..... that's it.

God: Well now that's taken care of.... ohh my it seems that our time together its over, well I might see you again in the future or might not, don't disappoint me kid, and have fun.

Mc: Wait where am I goi..


Our Mc blacked out.