[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]
*Mc's POV*
"Holy Shi* they named me Ezio!"
*Time skip 1 year*
It's been 1 year after my reincarnation, and I think im getting used to it.
First I learned that they named me Ezio after my grandfather's grandfather; Ezio Auditore. He founded "Auditore's Industries" in 1919 at the age of 57, later passed to his son 2 years later, on 1921, wich was later inherited by my grandfather on 1933, at the age of 19, after his father was killed during an explosion; Who started to expand, and invest in up-coming industries, such as stark industries. Had a child at 39 (1953, Mc's Mother); Who married my father at the age of 24(1977), to have me 6 years later(1983).
2. My grandparents companies are rivals but dont hate eachother, but do insult each other in public to keep and image. The only person that my grandfather (From my mother's side) hates is my father. Who in his own words dont deserve her.
You see my father was a spoiled brat when he was young, wich was when he met my mother and her parents for the first time, and my grandfather refuses to accept he changed.
3. I can use my magic, but all I can do is blow papers away with my "strongest" attack.
4. I said my first fist words while our butler Sebas (Yes he's from Overlord, but without powers), was reading me a kids book, at he pointed at a cat, and said: "cat", which I repeated while pointing at the same picture "cwat".
To say my parents where happy was an understatement, their 6 month old baby said his first words. Now you would be wandering how could I talk before walking, well you see I've been practicing my speaking and walking, while im alone wich is around 8:00 p.m. to 8:00a.m. because I pretend to go asleep early; I started doing when I turned 4 months old, It was at that time that my super body (super soldier body) started its process, ( to grow stronger, faster, etc.) and my regeneration capability became evident, while it is not as fast as wolverine's it, it is my no means slow. Lets just say that IF, I was shot anywhere but the hearth or the head I would survive. Normal injuries would be heal within a span of 1 day to 1 week. Anyways I started to practice my walking and talking at the age of 4 months, and by the time I turned 6 months I could run short distances, and talk perfectly fine, but It doesn't mean Im doing it I plan to start walking at the age of 9 months and start running at the age of 1 year.
5. And last but not least....
My retractable blades have been with me since I was born. I dont think they where with me inside the womb, and I hope they weren't. They have been getting bigger along as I grow, so im not worried about that. Fun fact I cut my finger pretty badly once while checking how sharp it was.....
never doing it again.