8.- Childhood. Part 5/?

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]

*Mc's POV*

"Arghhhh my head"

???:"I knew you were stupid, but this time you out did yourself"

As I opened my eyes I was inside a white room with a golden light floating in the middle.

Ezio: Who are you?

???: Wow, we been together for so long and you can't even recognize me.

Ezio: Its you!

???: I have a name you know.

Ezio: Well what is it?

???: Its %$#*!... huh I guess I can't tell you after all, well call me Ian instead.

Ezio: Well hello Ian is a pleasure to finally you, now onto the important part. Will you try to take over my body?

I tried to look as intimidating as a 2 year old could look, keyword "tried".

Ian: Even if I wanted to I can't, God made me incapable of hurting you. He said is my punishment for ruining your life, now I will manage all the Information in your head, aswell as memories, and protect you from mental attacks. Think of me as an Op book keeper.

As he finished speaking the white room shifted and into a beatiful library.

Ian: The fist floor will be for your knowledge from both lives, and the second will be your memories. Is like occlumency from Harry Potter, just think of something and you will remember it, and every book you read will appear in one of the bookshelves.

Ezio: But why do I need a copy of the books?

Ian: What the hell do you expect me to do in here, if not reading!; anyways you're waking up, if you need anything call my name in your head, Later.

"Arghhh my head... again"

"My baby!"

As I oppened my eyes I see myself on a bed, Rocko drooling over my left arm, and my mother holding my right hand while sitting a a chair to my right, my dad is here too, but he seems to be asleep on his own chair beside my mom.

"What happened?" I asked, " My head hurts, do you have any aspiri- ughhh"

My mom hugged me and started to cry, "I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried *sob*, I don't know what I would If I lost you" *sob*.

My dad was now awake and began to pat my head, his red eyes and the bags under his eyes said enough. 5 minutes later my mom stopped crying, but now I was on her lap and she refused to let go. Dad stepped outside and called every one in, first came my dad, than my grandparents from my mothers side, followed by my grandparents from my dad's side, after them came both Alfred and Sebas.

Both my grandmother's were instantly sitting on both of our sides kissing my cheeks, and my both my grandfather's and butlers are smiling and started to talk between themselves.

Seeing that every one was here, I realized that whatever happened was pretty bad, so I asked the million dollar question.

"mamma, (mamma is mom in Italian) what happened?, why is everyone here?".

Everyone froze, my mother softly responded: "You fell asleep, broke your nose, and woke up 5 days later". and she started to caress my cheek trying to calm me down, which worked.

I quickly touched my nose and felt that it was covered in bandages.

Ian: When your clone disappeared, the memories you received almost fried your brain, I mean are you THAT stupid!, normaly it wouldn't happen but you're 2 years old, and your brain haven't developed enough, so you passed out, fell forward and broke your nose, your brain healed quickly enough, and your nose is okay too, but even though the damage wasn't severe, you been unconscious for 5 days. Sometimes your stupidity astonish me, no wander God prohibit me from harming you, you alone are capable enough to kill yourself without realizing, me doing it aswell would be overkill.