
"I am Venus, the Sin of Pride. You can call me the strongest Sin of them all."

Axel's eyes widened. Abel was shocked. The two, visibly provoked, got into a readied stance.

Venus laughed. "Aw come on. You don't think you have an actual chance against me do you?"

"Tsk!" Axel was suddenly infuriated. "So you're the Sin of Pride?"

"Are you deaf? What is it with you imbeciles? YES I am the Sin of Pride," Venus repeated himself.

Axel grumbled. "You're not getting out of here alive..."

Venus began to laugh hysterically in response.

"Don't let your guard down. He's going to be extremely dangerous," Axel told Abel.

"Got it. I'll be as careful as I can."

Abel scanned the area, looking at all the limp bodies of contenders who partook in Specialized Phase D. All their limbs seemed to be in disturbing positions. He remembered the dead bodies surrounding the structure at the bottom.

"Did Pride do all of this?" Abel thought. He gave Venus a good look himself. The Sin didn't seem to be holding nor holstering any weapons.

"I don't think he has a weapon," Abel told Axel.

"I know. I don't think he needs one. Just follow my lead, strike on my go," Axel drew his hatchet.

Axel began to walk forwards towards Venus once again, this time without the intention of stopping. Venus noticed this, as he stopped his laugh in sudden disapproval. Axel then picked up pace, and was now sprinting towards Venus.

"You're foolish to think attacking like that would work."

As Axel drew near, Venus raised his arm up. His palm faced outwards. He stood there with confidence as Axel closed the gap between them. Upon getting close enough, Axel suddenly called out:


From behind, Abel jumped up with the intention to strike down onto Venus. Now airborne, his dagger was ready to slash right through him.

"Fool," Venus smirked.

In a quick manner, Venus' other arm raised up, facing Abel the same way it faced Axel. His hands clenched, and an instantaneous force sent the two flying backwards. Hitting the ground, both grunted on impact and pain expanded throughout their limbs. Abel nearly broke his arms in the manner he landed, but he was able to quickly recover before they could.

"Imbeciles... ABSOLUTE IMBECILES!" Venus yelled.

Axel tried pulling himself up from the ground. His arms and legs were scraped by the pavement.

Venus continued. "Stop underestimating me. My value is higher than any opponent you've ever faced!"

Abel felt overwhelmed by what had just happened. He was genuinely concerned with how something like that was physically possible. Now curious, he asked:

"Is that the special ability you received from Specialized Phase D?"

Venus paused. "Oh… Oh...?" He had a sudden realization.

"I almost forgot I was even rewarded that. Thanks for reminding me," Venus giggled.

Both Abel and Axel's eyes widened in shock. "That wasn't the special ability?" Abel asked himself.

He looked over at Axel, who stood there seemingly more agitated than before. Axel gripped his hatchet tightly in hand and took another sprint towards Venus. Venus simply raised his hand to once again blast Axel backwards. This time the impact was more brutal, prompting Axel to cough up blood.

"Give it up. An imbecile like you could never stand a chance against me." Venus pulled his device out and scanned the screen. It displayed the overview for the new ability he just received:

{ Deception - The ability to deceive another contender using imposed illusions. Can only be used on one contender at a time. }

Venus smiled sinisterly. "This seems fun."

Abel took notice, and was now concerned. "What does the ability do?"

Venus turned towards him. "Why don't you find out?" He raised his hand facing Abel, but in a manner different than before.

Abel felt a sudden surge overload his mind. He then immediately passed out.

Abel quickly sat up, catching his breath. It wasn't until Abel controlled his breathing that he realized he found himself in an unknown area. Narrow trees tightened around him, and a dim white fog engulfed the surrounding sight.

He stood up and began to wander the forest aimlessly. Each direction he faced resembled the other. Long spruce trees and an opaque white smog made up his environment. Every step crunched beneath his foot. The dark green grass was stiff as it held a layer of frost. As winter-seeming as the area looked, the temperature was as normal as could be.

"Where's Axel?" Abel asked, to no one in particular.

But then he remembered. "Where's... Venus?"

His heart rate picked up. Abel reached for his holstered dagger, except there was no dagger. He patted himself down, but realized he had no weapon on himself. That's when Abel felt an eerie presence lurk behind him. He turned around and was greeted by a smiling face. It was Venus.

"Where are we? Where's Axel?"

"Your friend? He's in the real world" Venus replied.

"The real world?"

"Yes. You're currently being deceived."


Venus suddenly vanished.

"You see…" Abel heard the voice from behind. He turned around coming face to face with Venus.

" the real world, I'd never allow myself this close to an imbecile like you, let alone anyone."

In defense, Abel moves backwards creating some distance between the two of them.

"Where am I? What did you do to me?!" Abel remains cautious.

"You're under my deception."

"Why isn't Axel here?"

"He's currently fighting me in the real world. Not that it's much of a fight anyways."

Abel suddenly finds himself in a panic. "What? No… LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

"Nope. You're staying stuck here in this world of delusion while I kill off your Axel friend in the real world."

Abel's eyes widen. He makes a dash for Venus, attempting at one last chance in grasping him. But Abel grabs at nothing, and falls forward to the ground. Quickly looking up, Venus is no longer to be seen.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," Abel repeats.

He stands up and begins to scurry around this deceptive world of trees in search of Venus. He wanted to get back. He needed to. Abel couldn't help but feel concerned for Axel's safety considering how overwhelmingly powerful Venus seemed to be.

The thought of remaining forever trapped settled into Abel's mind. His anxiety continued to rise.

"No… Get me out of here... Get me out, get me out, get me out, GET ME OUT!" Abel screamed.

He felt his head become heavier with the dark thoughts that consumed him. His vision began to daze out of focus. He stumbled and fumbled through the thin trees that lined his sight. But the further off he ran, the more trees there seemed to be. It was never-ending.

Eventually, Abel tripped amongst the scurrying and fell face first. Using his arms, he pushed to lift himself from the grass that poked his face. But with the weakened state that encumbered him, he dipped his head back into the ground as the anxiety transitioned into a frustrating feeling of infuriation. He was falling into madness.

"Get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out…"

He kept repeating the same three words, over and over again. He was slowly being driven insane.

"Get me out, get me out, GET ME OUT!!!" Abel quickly sat up. He started to catch his breath.

Abel looked around. He realized trees and fog didn't surround him anymore. He once again found himself on the parking lot roof. He had woken back to reality.

Looking to his left, he saw a man who stood still. The curly hair was familiar. It was Venus.

Abel checked his holster, and this time his dagger was there. Unsheathed, he slowly approached Venus from behind. Getting closer, Abel noticed a contender who laid at Venus' feet. His limbs were limp, and blood seeped from his mouth.

It was Axel.

"Tsk!" Abel's eyes widened, and aggression made his approach rapid. Venus heard the steps from behind and raised his arm towards Abel.

"Halt," he said. But Abel kept running, eventually sprinting.

Venus turned around, annoyed. "Did I not say halt?" His hand clenched and a force sent Abel flying backwards.

Upon hitting the ground after air-time, Abel grunted in immense pain. "Urgh—!"

"You guys just don't know when to stop. I'm disgusted," Venus complained. In that moment, an unforeseen sound of sharp metal suddenly whizzed past Venus' face from behind. It landed and stuck into the ground, revealing Axel's hatchet.

Venus turned around. His noticeable cocky smile was now wiped off his face. He was completely disturbed.

"Did you just...? Oh won't you just give it UP!" Venus raised his arm towards Axel who lay on the ground. His hand clenched, and he rotated his wrist, simultaneously rotating Axel's right arm. The limb twisted and the sound of bones crunching could be heard.

"ARRRGH!" Axel screamed of agony as his shoulder joint could bear the pressure no more. His arm was torn off. Abel simply watched, speechless.

"Do you now understand the difference in our power? None of you stand a chance. None of you ever will. You're all weak, pathetic, imbeciles that can rot and grovel on this floor beneath my feet."

Abel's face was expressionless. He sat there and watched as Axel's arm drained of blood. He felt a forsaken emotion manifesting within.

"This is sickening. And you guys have the audacity to claim yourselves as the 'counter to the Sins'?" Venus scoffed. He turned towards Abel.

"Let me show you the contrast between a Sin and a Virtue." He turned back towards Axel, and once more raised his hand with the intention of breaking another arm. But a hand immediately wrapped around Venus' wrist.



His hand tilted downwards. His wrist had just been broken.

Venus stumbled backwards shocked. He looked up to see Abel standing unphased.

"How dare you..." Venus grumbled.

He lifted his unbroken hand towards Abel, clenching his hand in the process. But Abel was quick enough to knock his arm aside in the moment. This directed the force into the ground, imploding the crackled pavement. Abel used this open opportunity to strike Venus in the chest, knocking him onto the ground. Before Venus could even let out another word, Abel wrapped Venus into a headlock and began choking him out.

"W-What are you doing! G-Get off of me..." Venus struggled to say.

He tried to escape the grasp, but Abel held tightly. His grip was surprisingly strong.

"S-Stop it... You aren't allowed to be this close to me..." But Abel only clenched harder. The boy felt his blue eyes zoning out of time. He was slowly losing himself to the temper that grew inside.

By now, Venus was gasping for air. As a last second attempt, he planted his palm onto Abel's face. Simply clenching it would possibly blast Abel's head off. But Venus' hand loosened its grip, and dropped. He felt a sudden wave of weakness overtake him. Looking down, a dagger impaled his stomach. Abel stabbed him before he could even noticed. This left a giant red blotch to soil his white button-up.

"Oh…" Venus began to laugh. Blood spilled through the laughter.

"So that's how it is..."

He continued to laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

The laughter slowly descended into a faint breathing that stopped, until Venus finally laid motionless.

Abel laid his body aside. He felt a sudden buzz come from his pocket. It was his device, which he pulled out and examined the screen. It read:

{ New ability received from eliminated contender: Deception - The ability to deceive another contender using imposed illusions. Can only be used on one contender at a time. }

"So this is what I underwent..."

Interrupting his focus, Abel heard Axel grunt nearby, and was suddenly reminded of the crucial injury at-hand.

He rushed over to Axel who laid in a puddle of his own blood, squirming in numbed pain.

"No, no… Axel!" Abel kneeled by him. He looked at the disaster that was his arm. The scene was somewhat similar to the bow-wielder's. "What do I do?"

"It's no use..." Axel grunted. "This blood loss is fatal. I've lost..."

"B-But you still need to kill the Sins! It's your mission right? You can't die now you need to—"

"Abel," Axel interrupted him. "Don't make my death anymore displeasing, please..."

Abel looked at him in grief. "But the Sins… Whose gonna take them out if you're gone...?"

Axel looked at Abel intently. "You can."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Abel was driven back into confusion. "The mission's meant for Virtues, isn't it? I can't just take that responsibility for myself..."

"But you can," Axel replied.

"How? Why?"

"Because you too are a Virtue, Abel."