Underestimate // Overestimate

Ring! Ring!

A phone rung. It's owner went over to answer, "Hello?"

"So that's your colleague's 'Squad Zero'?"

"Ah Michael… Yes it is. You saw the broadcast? Aren't you all situated like deep underground?"

"We've had access to Cardinal Nexus broadcasts ever since we established this facility. How do you think word got out about the seven escapees?"

"Ah, right. Anyways, yeah, the broadcast you saw was the team my colleague put together."

Michael scoffed on the other side of the phone. "Uriel, are you kidding me? You're telling me those weaklings are assigned to capture my escapees?"

"Yeah…? Do you have a problem?"

"They look and sound WEAK. What are their scrawny skills going to do against A.X.A. technology?"

"I've heard they've been experimented on too. Physical amplifications or something—"

"Uriel! We're talking about technology from MONA. I'm sure you know well the depths of Cardinal Nexus technology, but nothing will ever rival that of MONA's."

Uriel sighed silently. "Here you are always superficial with your assumptions on someone's strength… You haven't changed one bit, you know."

"Mhm." Michael exhaled frustration. "If that 'Squad Zero' is what's in charge of retrieving my escapees, then maybe I might just fetch them myself."

"And how?" Uriel questioned. "You've got absolutely no leads. And the fact that you're not allowed to be seen by any witnesses whatsoever, makes your job of searching a whole lot harder.""

I'll do it—"

"No you won't!" Uriel now yelled. "You faked your death for a reason. Stay dead. Don't come out and expose yourself now. Not after staying hidden for nearly a century. It'd be a rotten waste."

Michael did not respond.

"I understand how highly you think of the powers you've bestowed your ex-subjects, but Squad Zero may just be on par. If not, stronger."

"Tsk!" Michael scoffed again. "I doubt those weaklings could even defend themselves against my infantry units."

"Then put them to the test." Uriel bolded himself.


"You heard me, test them. Send some Angels their way. Heck, send a Seraphim or two. And if you're really going for it, might as well send one of your beloved Cherubim."

Michael was finally intrigued. "Your government's 'Squad Zero' is weak, and you can't convince me otherwise. So this is what you offer?"

Uriel nodded as if Michael could see. "Yup."

"Very well." Michael smiled. "Maybe I'll do just that then."

Uriel clenched his jaw. "For once I feel as if I'm not the most annoying one here. Make sure your soldiers don't expose our identities."

"They won't even expose that they're from A.X.A. All my soldiers are brainwashed, braindead yet moving. They're like zombie pawns with no memory to recall."

"How fun."


Uriel sighed. "Well then, we'll communicate again once you've tested Squad Zero."

"Agreed," Michael said. "I anticipate the results, and your reaction…"

"Suit yourself."



The unknown phone line had ended.