Blonde, and Blue Eyes

The sun was beginning to dim tonight. It indicated the end to a day of sorrow, unease, and upcoming disaster.

"Have I… finally made it…?"

He walked along the sidewalks he recognized, under the dimming lights of each lamppost, as the sky set to black, and the sun rose to red. He noticed the lack of civilians and cars that roamed the streets.

"It's getting late again…"

He turned a corner, finding a shallow alley to settle in for the night. His unusually long, and usually bright hair was tied into a ponytail, tucked under the musty hood he wore over his head.

"I'll find my way… tomorrow…"

The sun struck red. A deep-toned sound then rung from a distance. It vibrated the ground, transitioning into the air where it rung the ears of everyone that could hear. Everywhere elsewhere, the civilians of all districts fell asleep. Midnight was an inevitable state of unconsciousness.

"Goodnight…" He said to no one. Laying his head along the cold concrete floor, he passed out.

Heavy footsteps beat the floor close-by.


He sat up, alarmed by the noise. Looking around, tall brick walls surrounded him. Looking ahead, he could see a population of Dexus; people walking back and forth on the sidewalks, all heading to work presumably.

"Ah… It was just that…"

He noticed his hood had fallen back. The now bright morning sky revealed the brightness to his hair; a long, golden blonde. With the yellow sun that shone over, his blue eyes were brought to look up at the glare.

"As bright as ever…"

He stood up, dusting gravel off his pants. After putting his hood back on, he began to walk back out onto the streets. Catching the attention of a random civilian, he asked; "What district is this?"

The Dexus replied; "Jenzaya Disrict."

"Thank you."

He continued on his way forwards, following the streets of his hometown. These paths would be their way down memory lane. He knew what to expect, but also didn't.

Abel Vaso.