The chronologic timeline of events in which this story occurs can be slightly confusing, so let me explain it here to clear up any misconceptions.

The events of VOLUME 2: ARCHANGEL are the earliest to occur in the story. This is followed by a three-month time-skip into VOLUME 3: FRACTAL, leading directly into the events of VOLUME 4: BREAKING POINT right after.

VOLUME 5: NEXUS occurs one year after VOLUME 4: BREAKING POINT (one-year time-skip).

The events of VOLUME 6: PARADIGM happen at the same time as the events in VOLUME 5: NEXUS (The two volumes are synchronized). Though about halfway through VOLUME 6: PARADIGM, the events stray past those of VOLUME 5: NEXUS.

The final chapters/events of VOLUME 6: PARADIGM lead directly into the events of the first volume of this novel, VOLUME 1.

VOLUME 1 leads directly into the events of VOLUME 7: PHASES.

The events of VOLUME 8: BIRTH OF PRIDE all occur over the duration of VOLUME 7: PHASES. The two volumes are synchronized.

VOLUME 7: PHASES and VOLUME 8: BIRTH OF PRIDE end at the same time, with both their events leading directly into the events of the final volume, VOLUME 9: JUDGEMENT.

VOLUME 9: JUDGEMENT is the final volume of the novel, and the final chronological arc of this novel's story.

{ A Linear Perspective of the Timeline }

V2 → V3 → V4 → V5/V6 → V1 → V7/V8 → V9