School & Training pt2

"Test?" Kaguya questioned. "Yes, I'm giving you a quick test to see your current skills." Takashi told Kaguya. The students that were behind Takashi moved to the side and watched what was about to happen because they were curious why their sensei is interested in this little girl. Kaguya and Takashi moved to the center of a giant circle in the floor. Takashi told Kaguya to stand a couple of feet away.

"That's right I forgot to ask what is your quirk?" Takashi asked Kaguya. Kaguya simply said " I have 2 quirks. I can move my hair freely and the second one allows me to see in 360 degrees."

(A/N: on Kaguya's official file it says she has hair manipulation and the byakugan but it doesn't tell the full stats of the two quirks)

"You can use them if you like Kaguya." Takashi responded. Kaguya activated her byakugan then Takashi got in a stance then slowly approached Kaguya. Kaguya does not know any martial arts so she was just on guard against her approaching sensei. Out of know where Kaguya raised her left arm as if she was going to block a punch. This caused Takashi to slightly widen his eyes and say "That's enough the test is over." Everyone in the room except Muraka is surprised by Takashi's words and wonder why he stopped the test. Muraka simply had a smug smile that said look at the promising disciple I brought in. Yuki and Haru and students were still confused but Takashi then said "You pass, I was not expecting you to predict my attack. May I asked how you did it?" "My byakugan allows me to see the energy in living beings bodies and I saw that the energy in your right leg was building up in the last second." Kaguya explained.

'What a useful quirk. Not only can she see in 360 degrees, but she can also see the energy of living beings around her. Meaning as long she has her quirk active you cannot sneak up on her not faint an attack because she can see the energy in your body.' Takashi thought. "I glad I accept you as my student. Such wonderful talent should not go to waste."

"Actually I want to train and get stronger without my quirk in case it fails me one day." Kaguya notified her new teacher. This caused Takashi and Muraka to smile even more thinking 'She will have a bright future ahead of her' at the same time. Haru grabbed Takashi's attention and asked "Sir how much the tuition will be?" "Free" Takashi responded. "Free?" Haru and Yuki said at the same time. Haru then asked "Why free?" Muraka then said "All students taught by the headmaster are taught for free because their talent is worth more than money to him. That's why most of the students here are outer disciplines. There are only 10 now 11 if you count your niece who just joined and the number of students left is at least 80." Hearing this brought joy to Haru and Yuki why because of 2 reasons. One their niece will be able to protect herself in the future and two their wallets we're left alone. "When will she have to come here?" Yuki asked. Takashi answering Yuki's question said, "For right now She can come any time she wants so we don't interfere with her school time but in the future, it will be mandatory she comes for certain days and weekends." This also brought relief to Haru and Kaguya. Since it was still morning and almost noon Yuki asked Kaguya do she wants to go home for the day or stay until it's 5 pm. Kaguya simply said she will stay so Yuki and Haru left Kaguya in the hands of Takashi.

Takashi told Kaguya to just watch as he trained the other disciplines. After an hour their training ended and Takashi is now going to train Kaguya in the basic techniques. After some minor corrections, Kaguya easily mastered the basic techniques that afternoon which Takashi was not expecting. He knew she was a prodigy but not this good. Some of the other disciplines we're amazed that someone way younger than them is so good while others had envy that they didn't have Kaguya's talent. Just after Haru and Yuki left Kaguya was given a place to store her belongings. This included her clothes because she was given a gi and her phone. Kaguya got her stuff and called Yuki telling her that she is about to come home.

"Sensei It's time for me to go home." Kaguya told Takashi

"It's time for you to go already. When is the next time you can come back?" "Tomorrow" Kaguya responded. Now heading out Kaguya walked out the gate and made her way to a spot where no one will notice her teleporting. A black void opened in the living room in Kaguya's house and out came Kaguya. Yuki welcomed her niece's home and asked how was her day. "It was fun and I learned basic techniques of the martial art called Judo and before you asked none of the older students tried to bully me." Kaguya informed her aunt. Haru who heard Kaguya and is coming out the Kitchen said "That's great to know that our little Kaguya can protect herself In the future." Yuki nodded in agreement with Haru. "Well, when do are you going back?" Yuki asked her niece. "Tomorrow" Kaguya responded. After Telling Yuki and Haru what else happened when she was at Takashi's dojo Kaguya was a bit tired so she went to sleep until it is dinner time. After dinner, Kaguya went back to her room and practice some breathing exercises that Takashi gave her.

Kaguya then took a bath then headed straight to bed. While she was in the bed Kaguya was thinking of ways train when she was home and just remembered that she still had her ninjutsu. Kaguya never used her ninjutsu because she never had a reason to. So Kaguya got out of bed and did a basic Jutsu for herself the shadow clone Jutsu. *poof* A identical Kaguya appeared. After some tests, Kaguya dismissed her clone and wanted to do more jutsus but didn't because the rest she knows at the moment will damage her house because the only other jutsus she knows right now besides the shadow clone are jutsus for self defense. The rest of her knowledge is all of the elemental releases. She wanted to learn more ninjutsu but the chakra she discharged when she was 4 is still in that dimension. Making another shadow clone Kaguya opened a portal that leads to the edge of the city and instructed the clone to find a place outside the city so she can release all that chakra. It was one in the morning when Kaguya's shadow clone dismissed itself and once Kaguya received the information she opened a portal to the spot her clone found. Upon getting the Kaguya began to open the portal to her training dimension. As soon as she did a big pillar of chakra came out and uprooted a few trees by the sheer force of the shockwaves. To an outsider's perspective, the chakra looked like a gigantic blue laser beam. This caught the attention of many people in the city. As soon as all the chakra released Kaguya teleported back to her room after making sure no one was around. Getting back to her room Kaguya is actually really tired now since she had to control the portal her chakra didn't destroy the area she was in. As soon she got comfy in her bed she fell asleep.

*brrrrrt* *brrrrrt* *brrrrrt*

It is morning and Kaguya got woken up by her alarm on her phone. She got up washed up and head downstairs to go make herself a sandwich since Yuki is still in the bed. After Kaguya ate her sandwich she went upstairs to tell Yuki she is leaving. Yuki sleepily told Kaguya to come back at 5 pm. Making a portal Kaguya came out just around the corner to the dojo. Kaguya headed towards the gate to see other disciplines that weren't personally trained by her new teacher. When some of the disciples noticed Kaguya they wondered why a little girl is here and then when she followed them and went to the main dojo where the headmaster trains the inner disciples. This caught the attention of a lot of disciples. Most were curious about who this girl is while the others had envy.

Kaguya's training for the day is honing her senses so Takashi gave Kaguya a sleep mask and gave her earplugs to block her sight and hearing. The thing is Kaguya's senses are already what you call superhuman but Kaguya right now lacks experience. The training Kaguya had to is dodge rubber balls that are the size of a baseball all around her. 5 mins in Kaguya kept on getting hit but after 10 mins Kaguya easily evaded every all thrown her way. Takashi noticed how fast a learner Kaguya is so the next thing he planned for her is to have a light spar with another disciple to see how she compares to someone who has trained for a long time. "Kaguya" "Yes sensei" Kaguya responded. "I know you're still new to this and I shouldn't be doing this so early but I want you to have a light spar with one of the other disciples to see how should I train you for now on." Takashi noted that Kaguya's talent is too abnormal. If he showed her something a couple of minutes later she would learn it and perform with little errors. Even though it's Kaguya's second day at the dojo she has already learned the basics which should take weeks to a month.

"Mingashira" "Yes sensei" the girl in her late teens responded. "I want you to have a light spar only using basic techniques with Kaguya." The girl wondered why would Takashi have a new recruit spar with a student who has been in the dojo for years. She figured he must want to see how she is progressing since she learns way too fast.

Kaguya and Mingashira stepped into one of the circles on the floor. Kaguya was scoping out her opponent and so is Mingashira. Takashi stern teacher voice announced that "This will only be a light spar so no attacks that have a lot of force in them. Forst one to land a blow wins. Begin." Neither Kaguya nor Mingashira moved. This is Kaguya's first fight technically so she wasn't going to rush in like an idiot. Mingashira is being cautious because the person in front of her got called a prodigy by her teacher that she known for years so she wasn't going to rush. The two began to circle around while their eyes were locked to each other. Kaguya realized that even though her opponent is her senior she is not underestimating her. Kaguya took it upon herself to move forward. Mingashira looking at all Kaguya movements due to the match rules. Suddenly Kaguya rushed Mingashira and tried to strike her face with a punch but Mingashira perfectly guarded her face causing Kaguya to stagger a bit while trying to retreat. Mingashira saw this as her chance and went in for a palm strike to the face but suddenly Kaguya's staggering stopped and parried Mingashira's palm strike and sent one of her own right at her stomach. Mingashira couldn't react in time due to Kaguya being smaller and faster to her and got hit dead center in the stomach and thus ending the match.

(A/N: sorry I didn't explain more stuff but I didn't want to drag on stuff and how did I do for a quick fight scene. This my first time doing one)

Witnessing this Takashi thought even more highly of Kaguya. Announcing that Kaguya is the winner shocked the other disciplines present in the main dojo because Mingashira is one of the oldest inner disciples here. Mingashira was not mad cause she lost. Sure she got tricked by a kid and one that just been here for 2 days but that just means she still underestimated Kaguya so she took as one of those learn from your mistakes moments. Mingashira bowed towards Kaguya and said "Good match. I still underestimated you even after I told myself not to." Bowing back Kaguya simply said "Good match." Takashi called the two over to talk about their performance. "Mingashira I could tell that you were not going to underestimate Kaguya and went for the decisive blow when you saw an opportunity to win. Unfortunately, Kaguya did this on purpose to get you to drop your guard. Take this as a learning opportunity." "Yes sensei" Mingashira responded. He then moved on to Kaguya "Kaguya what you did was spectacular. I thought you were going to use your speed and size to find an opening but you pretended to stagger to have her try and attack you and counter attacked at the last second. If you keep going like this you might take my headmaster title by high school hahaha." A few more hours it is time for Kaguya to go home. Getting her stuff Kaguya is heading out but was stopped by a couple of outer disciples. "Oi, how she is an inner disciple" One said "This pimp squeak probably a rich girl and bought her way in." another one said. There are about 5 of the bastards trying to scare Kaguya but Kaguya simply lifted all 5 up with her hair and restrained their movements. She then started to head towards the female disciple's bathhouse and threw them in.



After that day those salty plebs didn't bother her. The next day Kaguya is heading to school but something is different there is a lot of people and news vans outside the school. Thankfully there is space for the children to go through but Kaguya didn't feel like going through such a noisy crowd so without anyone noticing Kaguya opened a portal in the bathroom that's close to her class. Soon as she got to class everyone snapped her attention to her like she was about to hand out free money but as soon as most of then noticed it was Kaguya they had disappointed faces. 1 hour into class the door opened in came a person who made the lively class light up even more. There were kids yelling with excitement and Kaguya is pretty sure she saw the green hair kid do a fangirl scream and pass out from the sheer excitement he had.

"I AM HERE!!!" Allmight yelled this caught Kaguya off guard. She would never guess that she would meet the symbol of peace Allmight. Kaguya activated her byakugan cause she was interested in how his energy looked like and to her surprise, the sheer amount he had would blind those who weren't her if they saw it. Allmight made his rounds greeting every student a lot of then was talking too loud and fast for her liking. The green-haired boy who just woke passed out again when Allmight greeted him. When he got to Kaguya he noticed she wasn't like the other kids. "What's your name little one?" he asked. Kaguya said "Kaguya Otsutsuki"

"Young Otsutsuki what do you want to be when you grow up?" Allmight's question caused Kaguya to go in deep thought. She never thought of what she wanted when she grew up. "I guess to be a hero or a doctor if I don't like being a hero." Kaguya answering Allmight's question. "Well, young Otsutsuki I think you should definitely try to be a hero." Allmight said. "..." The way Allmight spoke brought back memories of when her aunt Yuki was "teaching" Kaguya to be a good person. Kaguya thought of multiple things of why he said what he said in that way that reminded her of aunt Yuki but she dismissed it as a coincidence. Allmight's moved on greeting other kids in the class then left. Later on, there was an assembly where Allmight talked to all the school at once.

After school ended all night made a few rounds around the area. When he was done he made a call. "Hello, I need you to do me a favor. I want you to look up a file on a child named Kaguya Otsutsuki" The symbol of peace said with a serious look.

(A/N: Sorry about the slow update I am busy these days since online school started. I'll tell you the reason why Allmight wanted Kaguya's file if one of you ask. Also, I'm making new fanfic called the Oni of the hidden leaf. The first chap should be up Friday. Till next time)