Chapter 14

Plutonic walked in the room where Aisha was busy wiping off the sweat on Rufus' face using a wet cold washcloth to keep him cold since he was burning with a high fever but it was barely working. Hamlin was fixing the cooling system of the room which they barely used since their Phoenixes could cool themselves off if they wanted to so that explains why the cooling system of the room wasn't working well. Rufus' Phoenix wasn't active, it was seriously injured, it was weak and Aisha was afraid of the worst that could happen... like her son's death!...

"How's he?". Plutonic asked causing Aisha and Hamlin to stop what they we're doing but they didn't look up at him. Aisha could feel Hamlin's eyes on her but she didn't look back at him. Both could feel Plutonic's hard stare at them and they knew why. They had hid something of importance from him.. their leader and alpha and above all their best friend.

Plutonic cleared his throat as if to remind them of his presence.

"Worse than he came". Hamlin said in a small husky voice but Plutonic still heard.

"Oh. Too bad". Plutonic said though he badly so wished to add "...he doesn't have a jade and you didn't tell me". but he didn't. He wasn't that kind of a person and he didn't want to be judgemental.

"I hope he recovers soon". He added instead. Still, Aisha didn't turn to look at him. How could she? How could she look at him after hiding such a crucial information from him?. Aisha didn't have the courage. She didn't think she could face him after this. After what she and Hamlin had done.

"If in case you need anything at all I'll be in the study room". Plutonic said as he took a deep breathe. He was on the verge of giving up in talking with his friends, they weren't talking back to him.

"Why?". Hamlin asked before Plutonic could reach for the door knob.

Plutonic let his hand fall by his side as he slowly turned to face Hamlin who was now looking at him.

"Why what?". Plutonic questioned.

"Why aren't you angry with us?". Hamlin asked.

"Why should I be angry with you?". Plutonic shot back. It was as if they we're in a questioning quest.

"We hid a crucial information from you." Hamlin responded, his voice cracking a little towards the last part of his reply.

Plutonic didn't respond.

"We hid the fact that our son didn't have a jade". Hamlin added.

"I understand why you did that". Plutonic replied trying hard to keep his voice in a calm tone.

"I'm sorry Plutonic. I'm really sorry for hiding this from you". Hamlin said.

"I understand. No need to apologize". Plutonic replied. "I sent Lucky to find him a jade.. a mate. Hope you are okay with that".

Hamlin opened his mouth but closed it again. Aisha huffed as she stood up throwing the wash cloth she had onto the small basin that was on top of the stool beside her. She turned quickly to face him, her eyes gleaming with the tears that were threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"A jade? A mate? you're saying that as if it's so easy for you!. How dare you Plutonic? How dare you!". She yelled.

"Aisha shut up. He's our alpha". Hamlin tried to shush her but she was having none of that.

"To hell with that. Alpha, you say? Does he even care about us?". She asked, her tears now unshedding.

"Yes I do. The question should be, do you care about me as your alpha? You his such a delicate issue from me Aisha. For sixteen years!... sixteen years. How would you feel if you were in my shoes? Huh?". Plutonic asked, his voice calm. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't trying hard to maintain his cool.

Aisha snorted. "What would you have done if you knew? What would you have done? Would you have helped us out or what?".

"I'm your alpha and that is my duty. We would have figured something out Aisha. Trust me, we would". Plutonic responded.

"You're just saying that because your son has a jade!". Aisha shouted.

"Aisha shut up!". Hamlin exclaimed as he also stood up.

"What? I'm just saying the truth. He thinks it's so easy to say those words because his son has a Jade. Not just any jade but a three piece jade!". She yelled. "He knew all these years.. all this time that our son, Rufus was interested in his son. He knew Rufus was in love with Lucky but what did he do?. He's sending for another 'God knows who' out there".

Plutonic gave out a nervous chuckle, his hands on his waist. He looked around before looking at Aisha.

"You're saying that because your son could easily morphe into a Phoenix without any struggles. You're saying that because your son could fight like the way a Phoenix should, he could take his wings out and fly away without any struggles. You're saying that because, your son was an active Phoenix". Plutonic said slowly, his voice cracking a little. "Tell me what other clans would have thought as more shameful, a son who has no jade? Or one who has a jade and can't summon it?... Tell me Aisha!".

Aisha just looked at him. She wiped her tears using the back of her hand and said nothing. Plutonic had made a point.. somehow, their sons were the same, they both had flaws that couldn't be avoided.

"But we can fix these issues with time, right?". Hamlin asked.

"Tell me, are you up to it or will you be busy pointing fingers?". Plutonic shot back.

"M'sorry". Aisha whispered.

"Amina Aisha Hamlin. We're all hurting. I'm also hurting because my son is supposed to be the next leader but how will he make a good leader if he can't shift? All these years, he has been using his druid powers but that doesn't change the fact that he's unable to do what Phoenixes should. Before talking about how 'perfect' my son is, you better think again".

"Look, we're sorry. Aisha is just upset". Hamlin said.

His eyes met and held with Plutonic's for a brief moment. Plutonic gave a slight nod then left.

"He's pissed at you. What were you even thinking?". Hamlin turned to his wife.

"I wasn't thinking straight". Aisha confessed.

"He even used your three names. I thought he didn't know them". Hamlin confessed as he sat down on his stool to proceed working on the cooling machine.

"To have a son who can't summon his jade is the same thing as having a son who doesn't have one at all". Hamlin said after a few minutes of silence. "That's what my father told me once.. I hope you now see how things are. Plutonic is hurting as well".

Aisha took in a deep breathe.

"I didn't mean to".

"Reminding Plutonic of the fact that his son can't morphe into a Phoenix is like reminding him what triggered that. His wife's and the clan member's death is still fresh in his memory. It affects him the most".

"I hope he forgives me". Aisha mumbled to herself.

"Son? Say something!". They both heard Plutonic exclaim. The door to the room where they were in opened, revealing a very pissed off Plutonic and exhausted looking Lucky.

"Lucky? Are you okay?". Aisha asked.

Hamlin stood up and took a few step towards the boy. "What's wrong son?". He asked. He usually used the term 'son' on Lucky at times, anyways, Lucky and Rufus were the same age.

Lucky's gaze fell on the shaking and sweaty Rufus on the bed, then on Aisha. He could feel his father's gaze on him but he didn't look back. Aisha gave him that hopeful look.. the look that he was her lost hope... the look that Rufus wouldn't make it... the look of sadness and helplessness and it made him feel worse. He felt ashamed of himself because he hadn't accomplished what he'd promised her and now Rufus' death would be on his hands because he failed them.

Lucky looked away from her.. from Rufus' shaking body.. he didn't deserve to look at them, he had failed them and they would hate him for that. They would despise him and they wouldn't want to see him again.

"Lucky, Speak up! How did it go?". Plutonic asked.

Lucky took a deep breathe and shook his head. He closed his eyes and wished he could cry to get rid of the bitter feeling in his heart... but the bitter truth was that he couldn't!.

Hamlin took a step back. He couldn't believe this. This was the last hope to save his son and now, it was lost.

"Ambrose didn't accept the offer. She thinks we sort of want to use her. I told her to think about it but we rather look for another way to save Rufus instead of depending on her". Lucky said.

"I'm so sorry". He added after minutes of silence, turned and left to leave. He couldn't stand the choking smell of sadness and agony in the room.