Chapter 17

Lucky felt something move within him. His senses heightened and he felt a little stronger than before. He stopped walking and looked around but saw no one though he would have sworn that he felt someone else's presence around.. a presence that he knew too well... a presence that he was familiar with... a presence that he had missed and now he would be out of his mind if the presence he felt came to be true. You know that feeling you have when you're being watched but you don't know whom?... He pulled the sleeves of his hoodie down and continued to walk through the trees, deeper in the forest.

Then suddenly, something in his head like an instinct made him stop.. something was wrong with his father and he had to go back to see him. Something was wrong and he didn't know what it was. He looked around again then up in the clouds before whistling. A small piece of cloud detached itself from the rest and flew down to where he was. He had learnt how to summon flying clouds through his mother's spell books, apparently, she had tried to summon the clouds before but due to the lack of a jade from her mate, she couldn't do it thus, Lucky was the first one to ride on this particular cloud in his generation. He could fly on his own like other phoenixes so this was the only way to be able to move around like the others.

"Cirrus cloud, something is wrong with my old man. Take me back to the mansion as fast as possible. Okay?". Lucky asked the cloud... it was a magical thing and also living, talking to it wasn't strange at all.

The cloud made a vibrating sound to show it's agreement as it flew around Lucky several times before settling in front of him. He climbed on top of it and they flew away back home.


Hamlin and Aisha were almost in the stage of panicking themselves.. almost!.

They couldn't move Plutonic. He was not only heavy than usual but it was like there was a barrier in front of them limiting their movement.

"Why can't Uncle Plutonic move?". Araminta asked.

"Mommy has no idea sweetie". Aisha responded with a grunt.

Plutonic gave a loud hiss as if he was in pain. His eyes we're closed and his hands we're on his chest, clutching on his shirt as if he wanted to tear it away. His breathing was short and fast, his chest heaving up and down quickly which made Hamlin and Aisha worry more. They had no idea what was wrong with him because he wasn't speaking to them, not even a word came out of his mouth.

"I can barely hear his heartbeat". Hamlin whispered.

"What do you think could possibly be wrong with him?". Aisha asked, worry lines etching deep on her forehead.

"I have no idea my love". Hamlin replied.

"God, what have we done wrong?... first, it's my son Rufus and now our Alpha Plutonic?". Aisha muttered out, tears streaming down her face.

"Hush my love. We shall sort this out". Hamlin said. "Trust me".

"Dad!". Lucky shouted from behind them, he came running towards them, kneeling in front of Plutonic, lifting his face us to look at him.. hot beads of sweat we're streaming down his face, an indication of how high his temperature was... which was not normal.

"Dad?". Lucky called, worry and concern laced deep in his voice. Plutonic didn't answer, he just winced and hissed.. he was in pain.

His father was in pain and his energy was being wasted away which was not normal. Lucky had never seen such a thing before and he was worried... he was afraid...scared that he was going to loose his father.. he was afraid because he was helpless and he didn't know what was wrong with his father nor how to solve the situation.

"Dad? What's wrong? Please answer me!". Lucky pleaded as he cupped his father's face not minding the high temperature Plutonic was in. The heat never bothered him anyway.

"Lucky. He won't answer. We don't know what's wrong". Aisha said.

"He just fell on his knees and started wincing, we couldn't move nor carry him.. he just became heavy all of a sudden as if tones of stones had been placed on him". Hamlin explained.

"Dad you have to tell me what's wrong for me to help you.. please.. just try". Lucky pleaded again, placing his Father's hands on his chest. "Feel my heartbeat Dad... I'm your anchor, right? I've always been your anchor... breathe Dad.. breathe and stay with me".

"Ninah....". Plutonic whispered then passed out.

"Ninah?". Aisha and Hamlin asked in unison, confusion evident on their expressions.

Lucky's eyes widened, he realized what was happening and why Plutonic was in that current state. It wasn't that serious but the energy that Plutonic had wasted away, wasn't exactly wasted away but used.

Plutonic's energy was being used elsewhere... by someone else, his father was already aware of what was going on, meaning that whatever he had felt before was not just a by feeling but the reality... his mother was back!.

"Quick, help me take him to his room!". Lucky said as he stood up, tagging on his Father's arms. Hamlin and Aisha helped to lift him up, the heavy weight had lifted away and the barrier thingy had faded away.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?". Hamlin asked.

"He mentioned Ninah...". Aisha trailed off. Lucky just shrugged his shoulders as they laid him on his bed.

"I'll pass some of my energy to him. You guys should go ahead and look after Rufus, I'll leave after shortly to get the stuff I had said earlier". Lucky replied.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we help too?". Hamlin asked.

"No. Rufus needs you most. I'll handle this, trust me". Lucky replied with a sad smile.

Hamlin just nodded, Aisha returned the sad smile, "Call us if you need anything".

Lucky nodded, waiting for them to leave and locking the door behind them, he made sure they had gone downstairs to Rufus' room before building a magical barrier in the room using a spell that he had learnt from his mother's books, to prevent other ears listening in whatever he was going to do.

He touched his Father's chest and felt the heat and movement that had stopped reacting years ago after his mother's death, active!. The movement of the jade and the heat from the fireball... was enough proof, his mother was alive!.

How was that even possible?.

How was she alive?.

Where was she?.

Lucky looked down at his father, his mother was back and she had used Plutonic's energy to get back. He didn't know how to feel, he didn't know if he was supposed to be happy or not.. he had missed her and he had always craved for her presence... he had always craved for her touch and now?.. now she was back!.

Lucky took in a deep breathe, trying to stay calm so as to help his Father out. He sat cross legged on the white tiled floor next to his Father's bed and held his hand, "May the powers of this earth course through your veins from now till your last breathe". Lucky whispered slowly as he drew small ruins on Plutonic's hand using his index finger. Small fire lights appeared where he had traced the ruins, reviving energy in Plutonic's body.

Plutonic started to move, Lucky helped him to sit up when he tried to.

"Son. you're back already?". Plutonic asked in a small voice.

"I felt it Dad, I had to come back and see you. You were in a bad state when I came back...".

"I'm sorry you didn't complete your mission because of me". Plutonic grunted.

"You come first before anyone else Father. You're the only immediate family I have". Lucky whispered as if the words hurt him... he was never good in expressing his feelings freely... openly!.

Plutonic stretched out his hand to cup Lucky's face, "You mean a lot to me too".

Lucky smiled.. just a small smile, but that, that meant a lot to Plutonic.

"So now you know, your mother... she's back. I don't know how but she's here son".

"Are you happy.. excited?". Lucky questioned.

"I.. I- I don't know son. To be honest I don't know." Plutonic answered with a shaky sharp intake of breathe.

"We'll be here for each other if she shows up, right?". Lucky asked. Plutonic nodded, massaging Lucky's cheek.

"She's different now.. she's not a druid. We both know that a druid once dead and buried can not be a druid again when they rise up". Plutonic replied.

"I know, and that's what hurts the most.. it hurts. I don't know why she's suddenly back and perhaps she might not even remember us".

"Hush my son. We tell no one about this.. This will be one of our many secrets.. until she shows herself to us.. only then, will we tell the others".

"Yes Father". Lucky agreed as he gave his Father's hand a squeeze. No one had to know.. no one had to know even if she came back, Lucky was going to haunt her down himself, it didn't matter how long it took, he was going to find her.