Chapter 31

Her thoughts.

Her thoughts were gentle yet mild. Soft and not loud compared to Ambrose's or Rufus' thoughts and there was only one person on his entire life that he had believed had such thoughts.

It couldn't be.

This was not her body. What had happened?. Why was she here?. How had she been injured?.

All these questions ran through his mind and his curiosity was on the peek.. he needed answers and there was only one way.

Lucky shut the door using his druid powers and sat back on the bed, his eyes never blinking... he needed to stay there until the moment when she'd wake up but till then, he'd busy himself with all that could be found in her memories.


Her eyes flattered open as she slowly looked around her surroundings. This wasn't where she stayed. This was a new place unfamiliar to her.

She quickly sat upright as she looked around some more. The interior decor itself screamed wealth, wealth and more wealth. The last time she saw this was when she was still alive twelve years ago, not even the NightWings could compare to such.

Her mind raced back to what had taken place back in the sea... The sea?... Her mission!. She remembered the injuries she got from her mission, her hands going down to where her injury had been but to her surprise, there was no injury... no pain.

Her eyes quickly went down to where her hands had been, she confirmed it, there was no injury. How could that happen?. Her wounds wouldn't heal fast due to the hunger, exhaustion and cold she felt. So how comes she had healed?.

Ninah tried to remember what had taken place last before she had lost consciousness. It's when it all clicked, she was in the FireWing mansion.

At last!.

A simple smile grew on her face as she thought of meeting Plutonic and Lucky. Her heart flattered at the thought.

She raised her eyes up only to meet with a pair of grey green eyes looking back at her.


He sat cross legged on the couch that was on one side of the room. She hadn't seen him there before when her eyes were busy raking up and down the room.

She had to admit that he was more handsome on this close angle.

His face wore no expression as he stood up and walked towards her, only to stop a few meters away from the bed.

"Um... Uhh". She stuttered not knowing what to say. What was she supposed to say to him after all those years?. She didn't want to sound as a creep or scare him off. Her heart yearned for him to love her again. To have him by her side again.

"How are you feeling?". Lucky asked, his hands in his kangaroo pockets of his hoodie.

"Um fine.. fine". She replied. She had never stuttered before. She couldn't understand herself anymore or what to say. Would it be okay if she introduced herself to him?.

What name was she supposed to use?. Akaya or Ninah?. What was she supposed to do or say now that she was here with him?.

"That's good. You can freshen up in there". He said while gesturing towards a door that was on the other side of the room, opposite to the side where the couch was.

"There are clean clothes in the closet I'm sure you can fit in them". He added as he turned to leave when he was stopped by the loud growling of her stomach.

He turned to look at her. Ninah looked away quickly. That had been so embarrassing and she didn't want to meet his eyes.

"Food will be brought to you... Oh I forgot, you don't eat regular food, do you?". Lucky questioned.

Ninah's eyes widened with surprise causing her to look up at him. How had he come across that piece of information?.

Lucky walked back at her and sat beside her. He stretched out his hand in front of her as he pulled back the sleeve of his hoodie. Ninah looked at his hand in front of her then at him. He wasn't looking at her.

It felt really nice having him this close. Her heart swelled with emotions and she almost cried out tears of joy but not yet, she had to compose herself.

"We both know that you need this". Lucky piped out pulling her out of her thoughts and back to reality.

She couldn't drink from him. She didn't want to hurt him in any way though she needed blood badly but there was no way she was going to feed from her son.

The way he came about to know about her feeding on blood alone, she would never know. If he knew about her feeding on blood, did that mean that he knew about her identity too?.

"We don't have the whole day". Lucky commented, still not looking at her. Her stomach growled harshly again. He moved his hand closer to her mouth.

Right now, she couldn't think straight. There was food right in front if her and she needed it. With her sharp and thin fangs, she pierced through his skin aiming for the bulging vein that was visible.

He didn't wince even once. Even when she began drinking from him.

His blood splashed into her mouth like a fountain. This was no ordinary blood, she could feel it course through her body like an automated virus giving her new strength and returning the color of her skin back to normal.

Only five sips of his blood and she was full and back to her normal self. She slowly retracted back her fangs, licking up his skin which had a few drops of blood before it healed up as if nothing had happened before.

Lucky took in a deep breathe as he pulled his sleeve down and stood up without a word.

"Thank you". She said looking up at his retreating figure.

"I know who you are, don't bother". He commented then left the room.

Her heart raced quickly. She could even feel it beat hard against her chest. How could it be?. How could he have known whom she was?.

Moreover, she didn't know what to do though he had made her job easier. Her heart was happy and afraid at the same time. Happy because he knew whom she was and afraid because she didn't know if he'd accept her the way she was or reject her, but hadn't he given her his blood?. The metallic taste of his blood still lingered in her mouth reminding her of what she had done.. but hadn't he freely offered his blood to her from his own free will?. Anyways that showed that he wasn't afraid of her. It showed that he cared for her.

Ninah got out of the bed, standing on her own two feet as she walked to the closet. Right now, she had to freshen up and talk to Lucky afterwards. The crossbow had to be in his hands as soon as possible.


"I wish your mother was around". Plutonic said as Lucky walked towards him. He was leaning on a tree a few kilometers away from the mansion.

"She's already here". Lucky commented.

"I know you miss her so..." Plutonic trailed off when he looked at Lucky. He had thought that Lucky was just imagining things, that he was still affected by Ninah's death but no!.

He also remembered that day he had been unable to move and his dead jade got revived back. There was no joke there.

Lucky was serious.

"What do you mean by Ninah is around?".

"The stranger we brought home Father". Lucky replied.

Plutonic's eyes widened with surprise. It couldn't be!.

"How?. H-How is that even possible?". Plutonic asked.

"Do you remember what happened to you days ago?. It was her Dad. She's back but with a new body and a new identity". Lucky responded.

"Ninah is back?". Plutonic questioned, more to himself. "How sure are you that it's really her?".

"It doesn't matter how I came across that information but trust me, what I'm saying is none other than the truth". Lucky answered.

He looked away from his son. His hand trailing up to his chest where his jade was.

"She's different Father not the way she was before but that doesn't mean that she's not your mate". Lucky said.

"I don't care!. Make sure she's comfortable. Give her the best of what we have and keep her away from Hamlin and Aisha at all costs son." Plutonic said as he stood upright away from the tree and turned to face Lucky, placing his large hand on his shoulder and squeezing it a little.

"It's our turn to be happy. Your mother is back and our family is going to be complete again". He added. Lucky nodded slowly. "It's not bad if we become selfish, even for a little while son. Moreover, make sure no one else knows her identity apart from us, I'm I clear?". He asked, flashing his red eyes at Lucky.

"Yes Father".
