WebNovelMy Lucky31.06%

Chapter 140

"You can use your druid powers to escape this tactic of his," Hood started again after a moment of silence. 

"Have you been facing some transit like visions of late?" Hood asked as he tilted his head to the side to look at Lucky who was looking back at him. 

"Visions?" Lucky repeated, a little absent minded. 

He had received a vision when he was going back home .. A vision that informed him of Ambrose being missing in action, Mrs Wilson, Ambrose's mother had been there in their mansion to inform his father, Hamlin and Aisha about it. 

He had received another vision when he was in the other city, it was of his mother fighting with Aisha and Hamlin. She had handled herself well so he had nothing to worry about though he had no idea of where she was at the moment after Plutonic had asked her to leave the mansion.