WebNovelMy Lucky44.49%

Chapter 201

Walking on the hallway made him feel like he was catwalking towards the danger that lurked behind the walls that he was walking through. 

When he first came here he knew what he was getting himself into. He knew what was waiting for him and the danger that stalked him here eagerly awaiting for a chance to pounce on him like prey. 

For a second, if he let his imagination run wild, he could practically hear the ghoulish laughter from the creature that he despised the most at the moment... The creature was laughing at him as if he was doing something stupid. As if he had walked straight into a trap that had been made up by that creature. 

He didn't want his mind focusing on that for too long but then again, his subconcious had never lied to him before and whatever he always felt always turned out to be the truth. 

It was like his sixth sense or something.. but he trusted it the most.