WebNovelMy Lucky51.10%

Chapter 231

Aisha touched her affected cheek before looking up at Hamlin who was now yelling at her whilst pointing his index finger at her. 

She couldn't believe this, that her own husband had the audacity to lay a hand on her. All these years that they had been together, he had never done something like this to her and now, here he was, he had just slapped her. Had he been bewitched or something? Because, this was so unbelievable that she thought that she was in a dream... no! no! no! this was a nightmare and not a dream at all. 

"Y-y- you slapped me? Hamlin, you.. you hit me?" Aisha questioned, her hand was still on her affected cheek and she bothered to not stand up on her feet as she kept on laying there on the floor. Hamlin just looked at her and looked away for a while as he ignored her question.