WebNovelMy Lucky62.56%

Chapter 283

Ram listened again, he had his breath held again as he tried to maintain silence, for him to listen into the small sound that he had heard before. 

He didn't even move at all so as to make sure that he had captured the sound or any other noise that was going to be made around the house. 

He heard it again, that small whimper as of the person was going through pain, he tried to locate it but he couldn't. He couldn't tell where the low and small whimper came from. 

It was hard to locate it, and that made him to worry even more. He was worried about Minerva and the fact that she might be hurt, was what set him on the edge. 

He looked around the house, turning around while doing so. 

"MINERVA!!?" He shouted, as he turned around and tried to listen in for the whimper again but there was nothing. Everything was silent.