WebNovelMy Lucky65.20%

Chapter 295

Lucky glided below the clouds, since they were getting closer to where Daniel was. 

He took in a series of deep breathes as he took a smooth landing a few meters away from the car. He rushed to where the car was, and by using his magic powers, he pushed the tree that was on top of the car away. He then opened the door that led to the driver's seat where Daniel, took his seatbelt off then, carefully, he carried him out of the car and laid him on the grass a few meters away from the car. 

"How bad is he injured?" Bakunawa asked. 

"Not as bad. His body has already healed itself. All he needs is rest, I can feel his inner energy is a mess within him. He's exhausted." Lucky responded. 

"He was probably worried about you that's why." Bakunawa said as Lucky tore a piece of his own shirt to wipe off some blood that was on Daniel's forehead and nose. Luckily, there was no wound there and so, Lucky stood up from the kneeling position he had been.