WebNovelMy Lucky68.94%

Chapter 312

Daniel had trouble sleeping the whole night, every time that he tried to close his eyes so as to sleep, a face that he didn't want to see, kept on popping up and flashing in his mind over and over again. 

What he couldn't understand was why he was thinking of the man and yet they were still strangers. He did not know the man's name nor where he was from.. the man had just popped out of nowhere and approached him and now, he was stuck in his mind as if he had glued his position in Daniel's life the instant they had met. 

Daniel groaned to himself again when the memory of him slipping over a banana peel ran through his mind gain.. okay, so it was embarrassing.. or maybe not.. but the fact that this man was that handsome and had witnessed his fall, kind of made him feel embarrassed.