WebNovelMy Lucky74.89%

Chapter 339

"I'm extremely sorry about this," Ambrose said, gazing at them. "The last time I saw Lucky, we had a fight, and..." she stuttered.

"Was it because of Lucky that you were doing this?" Camryn was perplexed.

"It's no surprise you asked about Lucky when we met earlier today." Daniel added his two cents.

"Yes, I wanted to clear things up, and because you wouldn't tell me where you're living right now, I came up with the party concept, hoping he'd turn up." Ambrose omitted the information that she wanted to talk to Lucky about their fight the day before, as well as propose marriage to him.

"Well, I didn't tell you since he previously told me about the fight." Daniel confessed, leaving out the fact that he no longer trusted her. 

"I'm truly sorry, though," Ambrose muttered, "so, where is he?"

"He walked away." Camryn responded swiftly, garnering Daniel's attention.

"What do you mean?" Ambrose said, his brows pinched in confusion. She inquired.