b e n c h e d.

entrance ceremony



I argued with my thoughts...my head clouded in feelings...why does he seem so familiar...

with my head spinning and my gaze following his every move...

he gazed back at me with a sharp and bitter smirk...

"oh no..."

he stood right next to me...he's so close too close...

my attention snapped back to the dean...

trying to ignore the boy with the raven hair...

"They will be sharing the gymnasium and also train together during lunch!"

the dean announced...

why was I shaking?!


(a/n ;; well too bad hunny)

time skip

launch time



I am so damn lucky I didn't have any classes with him...oh god I had math...and I was so relieved that I had jisoo as my classmate...

let me tell you she's a smart ass...

we were sitting in launch talking about the classes our teachers and our coach...Sandara Park...the legendary strategist...

I had taken off my blazer leaving me in a loose long-sleeved top...

I decided not to tuck it in because I was eating and I didn't want my stomach bloated...

jeez, the cafeteria was so noisy...

a ripping sound would be heard...

all eye's on me...

I hear an annoying bird sounding ass bitch...laughing her ass off..while holding a damn scissor...

as she stopped laughing like a rooster..she say's

"Well, hello there Jennie Kim remember me?!"

I turned back at her with fury in my eyes...

"do I know you?"

of course, I know her...she's the horse looking bitch that kept messing with my designer...

"well it's me..sana minatozaki...remember me"

the oranged haired brain dead dumbass says in a sassy tone

"so umm..orange baby chick"

I say as I stood up from my seat with the shirt still on me...she ripped my shirt from the bottom to the top...it pissed me off...

but luckily I had a white Nike sports bra on...

I took off my shirt waving it in her face...

"assyana whatever your name is...this shirt cost $2,400 dollars..."

her eyes widened...

"This was suited directly for me...and that would cost let's see..$4,000 dollars..but I guess a slut that earns her money by stripping in front of men can't do anything right...so I advise you to stop tormenting my designer clothes and find a job..."

I say turning around gripping my shirt hard...

the fact that I only had my sports bra and a black skirt on made boy's look at me with thirsty eyes...

that was disturbing...

but one particular boy that snatched my attention...

that shady...son of hard-headed dimwit...he gaped at me like I was food...

I swerved back to the problematic orange peacock that's now in my rearview...

"look here goldfish you don't want me to hunt you and feed you to my dogs..."

I twirled around... before heading to the door...

"one more thing...close your legs I can smell fish from here"

I say to her without looking back at her...

I had to walk the damn corridors half-naked...it's so cold...

as I go in the girl's locker room... I rake my spandex and jersey out with the number three on it...the girl's Jersey had glitter on the maroon part...for the boys well I'm not aware...it was jet black..my favorite color...

I was admiring the color of the jersey holding it in my arm's and I really gotta admit...I'm impressed...

the fact that I only had my spandex on in front of the locker...and my duffle bag on the bench...I kinda felt lonely...

I heard the door open and close while I was putting my white knee pads on without my jersey on...

"hey, you ready for training?"

I let out thinking they would answer but the person didn't...

they walked around the corner...and stood in front of me...in front of the bench while I was trying to tie my shoes...but they're shoes...red, gold, and black...the only person that had that color was...

"w-what are you doing here?"

I said looking at Taehyung standing tall in front of me...

he pushed me down the bench making me lay down on it...while he hovered on top of me...

"what are you doing?"

I whisper trying not to let out a squeal...

"you shouldn't have taken off your shirt in front of those boys...

you don't know how much I wanted to pop their balls out.."

he said with a sly smirk and with an intent I had no idea of...

"i-...i...so what it's not like I mean anything to you..."

my heartbeat was pounding against my chest...






Heyyyy...ill try to post it daily but for now, let's get ready for the comeback!!!