l o s t.



we spent the whole lunch break in the gym but I couldn't pay attention...all I could think about was Taehyung...how did he get that tattoo?..he's only a teenager...more importantly that word...something is going on and I don't know what is happening...

my head was glued on the subject I couldn't get my mind off it...

the boys didn't join the girls during launch but they will join us after school...

the thing is the four of us are the only new ones to the team since last year the number of seniors was more than the juniors...

we met Irene the libero and captain, Nayeon the opposite, Tzuyu middle hitter, and Seulgi the receiver...

we also met hani our manager...

I walked down the hallway heading to chemistry...I enter the peaceful classroom...as I walk in I look for a seat...the the only one I found was next to the window in the back...and damn it was the best seat...

as I sat down I started organizing my supplies in my bag...then I fixed my pencil case...since my pencil case was so tiny..my stuff began to fall out...I stop and stare at my pen that had just landed on the floor so I stood up bend down to get it but as I reach for it a veiny hand grabs the pen before I do...I look up to see the milk cow...

Kim Taehyung...

I sigh in awful luck...

"Why are you always here?...are you stalking me?.."

I raise my voice while I grab the pen back from him...

"Actually I'm not following you...nor am I stalking you... I have no intention or interest in seeing you after how you treated me.."

he says coldly while rolling his eyes at me...

"can you stop helping me?"

I said as I turn around walking back to my seat...

"well, princess... I don't wanna say it but... I don't believe that you don't wanna see me again... I believe this is destiny.."

I sat back down on my seat as he does the same... I kept looking at him like a crazy person... I didn't understand anything he was saying...

the whole class..Mr. Jordan kept telling us what we'll be doing this year...so we really didn't do any work...

but I was distracted... I kept staring at the milk cow...thinking about what he said...did he mean it?...did he really just say that?!...

I was so frustrated my cheeks turned red...and my hand was clutched in a fist...Jennie control he's just a very gross boy...in a few year's time, you will forget about him...

but I just began high school...and it's going to be four years until I never see him again... I run my hands through my hair while sighing deeply...

the bell had finally rung... I take my stuff put in my bad and head to the lockers... I tried and avoid anyone that had encountered me...but I failed... I bumped into a man that was about one hundred seventy-three centimeters tall...by a glimpse of his figure... I already notice he's an athlete...he stared at me like I did something very improper...although he gazed at me in an improper manner... I just walked passed him heading to the gym...

when I arrived at the gym all I could feel and sense are the stares that I received from the crowd of random people in front of me... let's just say when I got there they already started...so I just sat down quietly next to Rosé and listen...

they were talking about numerous things we needed to do...the task in hand was pretty simple...it was training every day..that was pretty much it...

we did some stretches...drill's and running... afterward, we took to the court starting off with receiving well Irene Unnie went first because she is the libero obviously...she taught us how to receive the ball better with form and precision in balance...

well technically I wasn't listening at all..everything was blurred and I couldn't hear anything...

well after the boy's team came in...it changed...

my eyes snapped toward the loud crowed of the opposite sex...and damn they are so tall...

the shorter was probably the guy I bumped into earlier... I look away thinking of what happened...he's misanthropic...he's pretty interesting although I have no idea what his name was...

upon being called on to play volleyball I wind up in a team with Irene, Lisa, Seulgi, Mira, and Rosie...well let's just say we were up against jisoo and the other senior who was more experienced and way more patient and precise...

after practice; 𝗝𝗘𝗡𝗡𝗜𝗘

I still can't believe he ignored me after all that has happened today...I can't believe this is how my first day of school went...I sigh deeply hearing a cough beside me knowingly looking towards Lisa...

"What?" I say I'm demeanor...

"Jen you don't seem like yourself...what happened why are you so restless?..." she says in a worried tone...

upon knowing she will keep bugging me about it I walk away not a word coming out my mouth...as I arrive at where I park my motorbike...I breathe in the fresh air before putting on the helmet and the ignition...

I gripped my handle tighter...I vowed to kagey...I told him that I would never let myself go....why?....my ambition to crush kim taehyung grew more and more...I had no problem with his cocky aggression towards me...

my problem is that he might be a distraction...

I arrived home sulking, all the revelations made with taehyung and the boy's volleyball team was a mess....dammit I'm only fourteen yet I have so much shit on me mind...

upon entering the kitchen, I see the girls having a conversation in the living room...I Intrude the conversation but instead of being sneaky, they caught me...

"jennie come here we know your there..."

jisoo calls me....did I do something wrong....why do they sound so down..

I enter the living room sitting beside jisoo who was patting the seat beside her...I bring my legs up to my chest...

"Hey, what's wrong?"

rosé asked..

"Ummm, nothing goodness gracious..."

I told her standing up from the couch stomping away...

can't they stop asking..

"REPUDIATE...it's the word of the damn day!"

I scream at them as I slam my bedroom door shut..

the next day ;; AUTHOR

Jennie had woken up and rode with the girls to school with an indomitable behavior.. she had became doubtful about going to school and learning...

Taehyung on the other hand was having the time of his life...playing with Jennie had been the most profound amusement other than volleyball...

she, upon entering had pusillanimous look on her face she was quite terrified...the inter-scholastic summer qualifying was coming up her abilities in volleyball had same the same...but luckily Jennie had her philistine to thank, Irene...she was grateful the whole lunch was tremendous success in which Jennie had mastered her foot work....

little did she know a boy..with trenchant smirk on his face....never let his eyes leave her figure....he was amazed in awe...

after launch she had chemistry...she being phlegmatic was hesitant to enter the class room...upon entering, she found herself shocked at a person sitting at her desk grinning at her..

"What are you doing here?"

puts her bag down to the window seat

"Oh, me I was waiting for you to show up."

he stood up walked to the other side of the room...with an invisible smile that Jennie could not witness...

the whole class was a big flop...a big big disaster...the teacher had Impugn a question on to her with the lack of knowledge decided to sit it out.

although, as she sat down the bell had rang and it kinda scared her...

as she rushed out again...she bumped into a random person...

"jennie kim this is the second time!!"