On each headboard twenty cubes in four rows of five glow with numbers on each of them. On the ceiling above each woman and the other four partitions around each bed appears the words, "Choose a box. Follow instructions." The women can see the extra glow behind them and the guys looking back at the boxes.
"Choose? What is going on?" Fia asks trying to crane her neck to look back but can't. Kai describes what is behind her as he feels paralized. The numbers go left to right, top to bottom. He wonders, "Do I just call out a number or something?"
Asher is quick to describe the situation as he works with his partner theorizing if there is a wrong number to choose with the information already provided but can't come to any solid conclusions. To them they seem to focus on it like a mental exercise, distancing emotions and panic.
Kisho tries his best to let Tamaya know what he sees as she whispers to him, "Don't choose first. Just um...let the others." He nods his head but with those words a countdown from sixty seconds comes up on all sides.
"Come on!" and "What the fuck?!" Come out from Kai and Fia respectively. Asher calls out, "Want to pick same or different numbers?" Kisho sees the numbers tick down as he shouts out, "SAME SAME!" Asher nods as Evelyn calls out, "Let's go with one."
Kai barely hears them and reflexively goes, "One? One! Okay I pick one!" He looks back at the headboard of boxes as the number one box glows while the words above the box say, 'Touch your selection.' He doesn't hesitate and touches that box. The countdown stops in their area at 45 seconds disappearing. They can hear a clink as Kai maddly looks around trying to follow the noise. At the foot of the bed a handle appears on a partially opened drawer. He opens the drawer and looks down seeing two six sided dice. He picks them up confused, "Dice?"
Tamaya freaks as she thinks she hears the word, "Die?" her voice whispers nervously, "Did he just say die Kisho?" Kisho looks over and sees the small objects in Kai's hand saying, "No it's dice." He sees the timer at thirty seconds now as he looks to Asher wondering if he should pick the same number like he said he would. Looking at Kai he says, "Roll them!"
Asher sighs as he looks down at Evelyn saying, "More chance. Do you want to stick with one or wait out the clock?" She thinks on it saying calmly, "We need more data. Seventeen." Asher is quick to press that box as they hear the foot of the bed open. The counter is down to fifteen seconds. He gets what Kisho is risking and quickly rushes over pulling the item out. It's two clamps connected by a chain. He quirks a brow as he can hear Kisho demand to know what it is. Evelyn's eyes get a little wide as she calls out trying to sound calm, "Nipple Clamps."
"What?!" Kisho sounds shocked as he looks down at Tamaya who already answers saying, "One it is then!" Kisho quickly reaches out and touches the number one box. There was only three seconds on the countdown as it stops and their drawer opens. He looks down and picks up the two six sided dice breathing a sigh of relief.
The boxes chosen for each group are still outlined but no longer lit up. Everyone takes a breath no longer being on a timer.