WebNovelSnow Trap28.57%

Chapter 10: Next Choice Please

The countdown doesn't immediately begin as they notice the drawers glow for the three of them. On the walls appear the words "Return Items to Receptacle." Kisho and Kai are quick to collect the dice and put them back into the boxes at the foot of their beds.

Asher though looks into Evelyn's eyes as his hands discretely move beneath the jacket over her as he says, "I-I'll take it as slow as I can alright. You want me to stop and my fingers are frozen." Evelyn nods her head as she lets out a slow low hiss as Asher removes them one at a time.

Suddenly everyone else remembers the object those two got. Both Kisho and Kai look at their glowing number seventeens and start to stress again as the four look away from their TA's. 

Asher leans down to Evelyn whispering in her ear apologies asking if there is anything he can do. She just lets out a weak smile before saying, "Put those damned things back in their box?" She then looks to the others as Asher returns the item asking them, "What took the four of you so long?"

The two dice couples realize their hesitation made those clamps create longer pain for Evelyn unintentionally. They all bow their heads as Kisho speaks for all of them, "We're so sorry. We didn't know what happened with you two. We had to roll the dice six times. Different numbers require different tasks. Lick, caress, suck and so forth for one dice while the other is body parts like lips, neck, feet. It...um it's not that bad."

Kai chimes in, "You two should pick one. You guys can take however long you want with it. Oh also the girls get to have their hands and waist more free during it."

Evelyn's eyes look a little jealous, but she shrugs saying, "No, Asher and I had time to talk. We all have to pick different numbers. We need to know as fast as possible what we're all in for. If we need a break the two of us can always go back to that one." She then looks at the women saying, "Also no hesitations. Defy the rules and these restraints can shock you."

"Shock?!" Tamaya calls out in worry as Fia's quickly asks, "Are you alright?" She glares at Asher.

Evelyn gently says, "It was only a zap like friction and a metal doorknob. It didn't hurt only surprised me. It's not Asher's fault. He was trying to be clever. It was a mild warning but we have to assume they can do worse with that ability." She looks to her partner in this mess and nods to him.

Asher looks over at the boxes and confidently pushes 20. The boys gawk as Kai asks, "Are you crazy?! If these are scaling you just picked the worst one! It could be-it could be…" He stops realizing he doesn't want to think about it as they hear Asher and Evelyn's box open. Asher smiles confidently saying, "It could be death or the key to leave. Either way we'll know if that's how it works. The countdown starts on Kisho and Kai this time from thirty seconds.

Asher looks into the box and sees an old iPod. "What? An iPod?" It's then their area goes opaque again as Asher looks around asking Evelyn, "Regret my cleverness yet?"