WebNovelSnow Trap34.29%

Chapter 12: No Holding Back

Kisho looks at the timer realizing no matter what they're going into the unknown. "So how about lucky number three?" Kai hears them saying, "We'll take two." Tamaya nods not liking the moving countdown. She closes her eyes taking a breath as Kisho touches the three. The box opens again as he comes over and gazes inside seeing two computer tablets.

He picks them up, showing them to Tamaya as their sheer drapes turn opaque. They both tense as they realize they are provided privacy. Her restraints actually ease up on all sides, the waist strap going away entirely. There are no words on the screen yet as she sits up and realizes she can move her legs. They ache a little as Kisho asks, "Want a little help Maya?" She nods her head.

He sets aside the tablets as he helps her get down from the bed and stretch out her limbs. She relaxes a little as she asks him, "Why aren't there instructions? What do you think they want?"

"Us freaking out I think." Kisho says as he now rubs her shoulders, "Or who knows maybe we're entertaining them enough for the moment. I say we enjoy the breath. I'm sorry about all of this." He looks at her saying, "Maya if we have to do all the numbers... I apologize in advance for number seventeen." His face is beat red before wondering, "Maybe you could do seventeen to me?"

Tamaya can't help but let out a laugh, "Ooh, I don't think so Kis. You could barely handle the titty twisters your brother gave you." She allows one of her hands to rest on his chest. She can feel his heartbeat and lets it calm her beginning to realize this might be a marathon and not a sprint." Besides I wouldn't have it be anyone else. I know you'll be gentle." She smiles up at him, "Maybe we only have to do five, or the six of us have to do all twenty then we're free."

Kisho can feel her shiver as he lets the thought cross his mind as well that this game might end their lives as well. He can't help but blush at her words and chooses to be an optimist. "I can handle the pain if it's to keep it from you. The only reason I'm not panicking is because I know I can get through anything with my best friend at my side."

With those words she removes her hands a little saying shyly, "Yeah best friends." The tablets light up each one showing their name. She picks up the one with her name as she touches the screen. There is the sound of an unlock before Tamaya sees her face on the screen. "Wh-what?" She looks confused before words on the walls say in her view, "Smile for the camera Tamaya."

Kisho picks up his tablet and wonders if he might be able to reach the outside world with this piece of tech in his hands. He feels a little hopeful as he touches the screen. It clicks open. He sees the front facing camera aimed at him. That's when he begins to realize all the stress on his face. He looks over at Tamaya then glances at the note on the wall for her. "Wanna take a picture together?"

Gazing into herself reflected in the tablet she starts to see the tear lines that go down her face. Her delicate mascara already runs down her face. Her lipstick is mostly gone as her hair looks frizzy and messy from not only the snow gear she wore earlier but also bed head from being trapped laying down. She tries to fix her hair and wipes her face a little, feeling embarrassed. Hearing Kisho she blushes saying, "Sure but I am not looking my best at the moment."

He shrugs and sits up on the bed beside her saying, "I'm sure neither of us are." They both take their turn taking a picture as Kisho takes the opportunity to wrap an arm around her as she gratefully leans into him. They smile nervously as each image is captured. Kisho sighs as he sees the camera go away asking the observers, "What? No cute filters? Savages." He rolls his eyes as they lean away from each other, looking at their white screens. Kisho decides to try and pull a menu up trying to slide down from the top or the sides seeing if he can lock it out. He is surprised he can't find a power button he might hold down to reset it. He holds back a sigh realizing whoever is running this knows how to cover their bases. It's then they see the next text appear on their screens with a keyboard popping up.

"What's your secret?" Tamaya asks aloud as she looks over at Kisho wondering if he got the same prompt, "What is this an online quiz? Haha okay I know something." She quickly types up the secret about Kisho and her as children trying a cigarette. No one but Kisho and her knew about that. With the enter key the secret is sent off and quickly she feels a little shock on her restraints. "Ow!" She yips out, dropping the tablet in her lap before she looks around, "That's a secret!"

He looks over at her concerned as he asks, "What did you type?" Gently rubbing her back.

"That time we tried that cigarette." She shrugs, "It's a secret they don't know. Just the two of us. No one else!" She says the last line to the observers in annoyance. Looking at Kisho she gives a little smile saying, "You know I swear your face turned green when I made you try it." Her hand gently touches his knee saying, "It's alright it was worth the shock."

"No it's not. I got the same question. I don't want to do it wrong and give you another shock." He tries to think of what they want as he looks at his tablet. "Must be a secret even you don't know about me Maya." His cheeks blush as he quickly types something in and sends it waiting anxiously to see if his friend is punished. With that a green check mark appears on his screen. 

She looks at him saying, "That's impossible! We tell eachother-" It's then she hears his typing, "Ookay so you have a secret." She sits there a moment before she realizes what she has to write. Turning her tablet out of his view she quickly types only a few words then sees the familiar green check. They both look up at each other. "W-What's your secret Kis?" 

He sighs, "It won't be one if I tell you. Don't worry nothing bad." The tablets change again as each are given the prompt to describe their sexual fantasy. They both gulp and gaze at each other before looking away nervously back at the tablet. "What the heck is this?!" Kisho asks as he decides to type in a fairly simple fantasy worrying that this place might make it come true. He types out a rather mild slightly kinky fantasy of washing and sucking at her toes. If this was going to become real, he doesn't want it to be too lewd.

Tamaya feels the same as she writes up the thought of a back massage that leads to Kisho giving her breasts a gentle rub as well. They both hit send with their faces bright red. It's then she feels a harder shock shoot through her causing her to jump and scream. "I-I'm so sorry!" he quickly hugs her as she looks over his shoulder and reads what the wall tells them while holding back a sob, "You two are imaginative creatures. No holding back. Bring out your dark dreams or you may not…" She trails off sobbing.

Kisho's eyes look up as he reads the last words, "May not leave here…" With that he lets go of her deciding not to hold back anymore. He wipes the tears from her eyes saying, "I will never let that happen Maya. We are leaving here together okay? Trust me."

She nods her head as they both pick up their tablets and face away from each other. They both try to hold back their large eyes as their tablets have them face a few still images of some of their own personal time search history. They glance at the walls that seem to smirk at them that says, "A little inspiration for you."

By the time Kisho collects the tablets they are fairly certain these stories are going to come back to bite them. Tamaya can feel the bed pull her back down as she tells Kisho, "Is it just me or do you think those words are going to come back to bite us?"

Coming over he can see the opacity start to lift as he goes to hold her hand saying, "Let's not worry about that now. Besides whatever you wrote can't be that bad. I feel like my cleverness is going to bite me in the ass."