WebNovelSnow Trap71.43%

Chapter 25: Growing Warmth

As the opacity closes in Kai looks over at Fia scoffing a bit, "Soo more emasculation for me? Is this a running theme?"

Fia had set the supplies on top of the bed before she reached into the drawer. Kai hears a clink as she pops up with a nervous grin on her face. He feels at the same time his collar release and goes away. "I picked the number so I'm the helpless one this time apparently." she says visibly stiffer than before trying to appear cool and collected.

With the time they've had together Kai can easily see through it. "Ookay well don't worry." He gets down from the bed as the drapes tighten. The walls and everything around them shifts into the scene of a spa, even the furniture around them as they stand there in awe. Kai looks for cracks in this transition but it goes so fast that he can't see any.

They hear spa music start to pipe in as the lighting dims to match. "Woah, is the spa music creeping you out too?" Fia asks as she sees the covered table in the middle of the room. A metal table next to it has the wax supplies now heating in their trays. The strips and sticks sitting beside them. There were still the few odd candles and a lighter next to them. She picks up the lighter asking, "Want to try torching the place?"

"With us in it? Probably wouldn't recommend it Fia. Everything is probably fire retardant."

With that Kai sees her swipe the lighter against the cloth covering the table and sees it seems to detract the flame not taking it at all. "Worth a shot." She grins as words appear in her view telling her to get on the table. She can feel the collar start to loosen up its slack. "Pyro time seems to be over for me."

"Yes." Kai says quickly grabbing the lighter from her with concern etched on his face. He sees her sit on the table as he looks over at what they got. "Well good news for you, I know how to wax." He looks at her covered legs then at the table looking nervous adding, "Legs at least...you don't think they want me to--" He stops himself again realizing they're always listening in. He thankfully sees a prompt interrupting his blathering. "Looks like you get to choose Fia." He sees the menu sitting on a little asian desk off to the side and hands it to her. The whole room now has that asian zen look to it.

"That sounds too good to be true." Fia says as she takes the menu. Opening it up she lets out a little gasp as she sees rather illustrated suggestions. What creeped her out is they look like Kai and herself. Inside are listed the choices:

Waxing: Happy Trail | Appetizer: Chips | Wax Dressing: Stomach

Waxing: Bikini | Appetizer: Water | Wax Dressing: Thighs

Waxing: Brazillian | Appetizer: Turkey Sandwich | Wax Dressing: Breasts

Waxing: Full Brazillian | Appetizer: Steak Dinner | Wax Dressing: Whatever we ask

"What's it say?" Kai asks as he hears Fia's stomach growl. He quickly responds in return. "Wish it was a food menu. Do you remember what the strawberries were?"

"It sort of is..." She hands it over to him and sees his eyes get adorably wide. She couldn't help but feel her mouth water at the illustration of that full meal. Looks like they could even get some wine with that steak if the picture is to be believed. Then again the strings attached were quite exposing and potentially painful. What creeped her out is they seemed to know she kept her legs smooth. They didn't bother to put it on the menu.

Kai's eyes couldn't stop staring at the illustrations of the wax dressing section. They even gave her a demure look while he wore a devilish grin. Who the hell was making these pieces? After the initial shock though he sees what this is and his eyes see the fine steak dinner. "Um...okay it's pretty clear what they want from us." He blushes as his stomach lets out another growl of desperate hunger.

"Yeah that steak dinner. If it's real, it looks quite appetizing." her nose scrunches realizing what else will have to happen to get that. "I mean I've been waxed before. I don't know how they knew I had enough growth there."

He blushes a little saying, "Well um… I don't want to hurt you. The way I see it option um three isn't much of a perk. One and two I should be able to do without touching your…" His face turns quite pink, "Fia you did say if I touch you there I'm not leaving here alive. We can get by on nibbles and go for some strawberries and chocolate after this."

She looks confused before thinking back on the first twisted game. "Haha I forgot about that!" She looks at him asking a bit more tentative, "Did you ever do any bad pulls when you waxed your legs Kai? Cause I don't need you hesitating."

"A-Actually it was doing my sister Maike's legs. She started trying and chickened out half way through her first pull. I ended up doing the rest. Occasionally I do her lower legs and knees if she asks." He chuckles nervously, "I know super manly."

"Hey. I like that about you. The unexpected."

He puts a hand over hers saying gently, "I promise not to hesitate. You were so patient with me. I don't want to hurt you anymore Fia. You're the one in charge, just tell me what you want." He tries to give her an encouraging smile but it just looks silly and somehow refreshingly innocent.

She takes a deep calming breath before stating, "Four."

"F-Four?!" he looks shocked.

"What? We need our energy when we find our chance to make a break for it." Fia felt a little uncertain with his reaction, but they both needed that damn steak! "Besides we can't go repeating numbers. We all want this done. You skipped breakfast and I only had a light snack. Also looks like there's some wine. I think we could both use a little inebriation."

Kai sets down the menu and gives a curt nod as Fia starts working on unbuttoning her pants. He quickly turns around to give her privacy. He can hear her gentle laugh as he decides to fill the silence, "Yeah I know you're right. I know you picked four, but that means I'll kinda have to see and touch--"

"I know Kai." She can't help but find his shy nature somehow alluring. Nudity was never something that bothered her. She learned early on about false modesty to make those around more comfortable. "You can turn around Kai. I already saw yours so it's only fair. I give you permission, pet." She smiles, catching his eyes turning around to look at her. She can see his eyes darting about unsure where to look. "Let's get this show on the road momma wants a nice steak dinner."

"O-Of course!" He quickly turns around looking at the supplies and gets to work glad to see some gloves he can put over his probably dirty hands. "Can um you pull your shirt up? Figure we can start there."

Fia obliges pulling her thin white tank top up laying her head back. She has to relax. Just trust Kai knows what he's doing. Then again if he messes this up many many indian burns were in his future or maybe something else. She feels herself tense up as she feels him spread the wax. "Ugh it tickles…" She grumbles but knows this is the most ticklish spot.

"Sorry Fia!"

She can sense him laying the strip down rubbing it a little too gently, "Kai. I know you don't want to tickle me, just ignore me and do a good job. I know you can." She can almost hear his nod as his hands seem to get more confident.

"On three? One Two…" He pulls the strip off and looks up at her face. Surprisingly she doesn't look angry but relaxed. Kai looks back down at his work and sees the skin's a little red but other than that, not bad at all. He smiles proud at his work trying not to think about how to work everything around her much more delicate bits.

"I see you know the pull early trick." she lets out a chuckle, "You don't have to count down for me. Just pull whenever you're ready." It's then she realizes something, "Question game?"

"Sure!" his tone relaxes as Fia moves her legs to make a triangle with her left leg straight and right leg bent. He realizes where his next pull can be trying to look at it as a puzzle, just flesh.

"Ever manscaped?"


"Shave or Wax?"


"Aah and how did the wax go?" 

"Sticky and painful. Actually can I have you pull up right here?" She feels him touch where her belly, thigh and pelvis intersect.

"Of course." She relaxes seeing he's realized the skin needs to be taunt to get a good pull. "Last question and I'll leave you to your work. This the first real life bush you've seen?"

"No...younger walked in on my parents. It was...awkward."

"Fine then touched?"

"I thought you said last question." He chuckles as he can hear her huff annoyed though she seems to calm as he puts the wax then the strip down. It doesn't take long for him to do a quick pull. He looks at the skin amazed at how well everything came off.

The next couple of strips while he works on cleaning up the sides they remain silent. Rather quickly he gets the lips mostly clear as he wonders how full a brazillian is. Fia is surprised he even knows the little dabbing technique to catch little errant hairs.

"The answer is yes. Then again does with gloves count?" He looks back for a moment asking, "Want to have any design? Like a V for vixen?" he can't help but chuckle.

"Haha cute but let's assume they want everything bald." Her tummy grumbles as he has her pull her skin up again making quick work of that top bush.

"There. That's it right?"

"Well no...full…" she slowly rolls on her side before getting on all fours. Part of her is glad he can't see her face that for the first time has a full blush on it feeling a little degraded. She brings her hand back doing a loose gesture, "means all the way back. Sorry. If you want we can stop here for sandwiches."

"Stop?" Kai blushes, "Least I can do when you were so gentle with mine." He feels his ass pucker a little bit thinking of their last task. "I'll be quick."

It didn't take long before he turned around declaring, "All done." He turns around quickly stripping off his gloves and setting them on the table before grabbing the oil provided saying, "Here for any wax I missed." He holds his arm back at an awkward angle refusing to turn around.

"Thanks." she goes to get up from the table before realizing her collar wasn't going to let her reach the bottle. "Um, can you hand it to me?"

"Huh? Sure." He turns around surprised to see her still not covered as the collar only lets her sit up on her elbow but get no further. His eyes get wide as he holds the bottle out in front of her covering his view of her nudity with it before closing his eyes. 

Touching the bottle she finds herself given quite the zap. "Ow! Fuckers!" Words appear behind Kai as she shivers seeing a drawer where the menu was appear with a hot towel in it.

"A-Are you alright?!" His eyes open as he looks confused seeing her grumble still propped up on her arm while her other hand comes up to rub her neck.

She reads her script, "I am sure you're better at making sure everything is smoother than I am." Fia can't help but roll her eyes as she points to the fresh towel then the bottle still in his hand.

"Wha-but I did the…" he looks at the wall behind him looking again like the spa as he grabs the hot towel. "Aah! Hot!" He quickly sets it on the table beside her. "Are you sure Fia?"

"I am just in this for the food." she winks at him as she sees him look for gloves but they were gone now of course! "Just don't leave me sticky alright Kai?"

He nods looking like quite the lost puppy as he pours some on her just below her navel. Quickly he grabs the towel trying to use it to spread the oil before he sees her flinch. Looking up she tries to hide a wince but he knows what they want. "Guess I'm not leaving here alive…" he chuckles lightly before his hand touches her oiled skin closing his eyes.

Fia does her best to hold back any sounds but she had to admit his explorative hands made her feel the spark she'd been trying to ignore. She hears him make a little hmph noise when he finds a small amount of wax in her outer lips. She can feel his nails gently scratch and rub to remove it. Her eyes half open as she sees his face deep in concentration.

Kai tries to focus on the task but his second brain knows exactly what he's touching. He was glad he overdid the oil a little as he slid back up to her torso gliding some of the extra back down slowly. He feels her body shiver. His hand slides down coating her perineum before realizing he's rubbing oil around her anus. He swears he could hear a fluttering moan come out of her mouth. This snaps him out of it as he quickly removes his hand. Grabbing the towel he chuckles saying, "Well this seems cool enough not to burn you like it did me."

"Yep." there's an awkward silence in the air as he uses the towel to wipe off the excess oil before using the other side to wipe his hands. She can feel the collar give her slack again as he turns away. Quickly she pulls up her panties but realizes, "Wait. Where are my pants?"

"Wha?" He looks around just as confused before they realize the floor now meant fair game for the observers to snatch things away. This time they decided not to be panty thieves thankfully. They see one of the tables reveals two sinks with running water and soap. "Oh thank goodness!" Kai quickly washes his hands, "I was worried they wouldn't let us wash up for dinner!"

Fia just as quickly rushes over to wash her hands, especially one particular finger. When they turn back around the room changes again showing a table with the spread in the picture as well as two chairs. One chair though is a posh looking fabric dining chair while the other is a plain wooden chair. "Well that's just suspicious." she says eyeing them wondering which one is the bad choice.

"Ladies choice." Kai says with a smile enjoying letting her take command.

"How is your ass doing? You probably need the cushion."

"Actually, not that bad." Kai says a little surprised himself, "You seriously helped calm me. If I was alone or with someone less...this is gonna sound weird...kind...I probably would have seriously hurt myself." He decides to move towards the wooden chair. 

"Kind?!" She scoffs, "Never thought you'd call me that!" She smiles deciding to sit in the plush chair saying, "All this oil on me I probably need this chair so I don't slip out of it on my ass." She laughs as they both sit down. 

Both choose to relax and quickly bite into their food. It crosses both their minds that this could be drugged or poisoned but at this point their stomachs are in control. After a few voracious bites they realize the need to slow down.