Chapter 11

We reached the beach and hid behind a rock. It was a cold tundra, but Poseidon and I were layered in fur coats so we could bear it. Metis on the other hand, only wore the blue silk gown but seemed perfectly fine.

She waded into the icy water and smiled as color returned to her skin. After only a minute of waiting, the water started to foam. Metis pretended to be frightened and tried to swim back to shore but a giant trident blocked her path.

It was twenty feet of silver entwined with a thin emerald helix. The prongs were of equal length and were round unlike Poseidon's. Holding the trident was the Titan of the Seas, Oceanus. His lower half was just a green fin that you could only see because the water was so shallow. His fish half was separated from his torso with a silver belt adorned with small, emerald beads. His torso and head reached 18 feet and he looked down at Metis with relieved but sad blue eyes.

His skin was a light shade of blue and his muscles were defined. His curly, seaweed green hair flowed down to the small of his back, and his beard down to the tip of his abdomen. In his hair, he wore a blue circlet with four spikes shooting up on each side. He had a square face and a strong jaw. Faint bags were starting to appear under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in a few months.

"Metis, you've returned!" He said as he became just 8 feet tall. His trident was back in his hand and was now 9 feet tall. "My seashell, I've missed you so much." He reached over to hug her but Metis quickly swam for the beach and Oceanus swam after her. She kept running until he was completely out of the water. His fish tail turned into a pair of normal, blue, muscular legs covered by a leather skirt.

"Why did you run, I could have protected you. Those Olympian bastards have no clue what they're doing. As of right now, Hecate is searching for a certain animal she discovered to kill the Olympians as we speak." He spat on the ground with disgust. The wind blew his hair behind him.

Metis turned around and put her hands on her hips. "Think about it father. Why would I try to overthrow the dick tyrant who puts his nasty, smelly ass on a throne he clearly wasn't ready for. Not only that, he treats everyone in his family like shit. A coup is the only way, and by association, you may have to go too."

Oceanus got on his knees and grabbed Metis' hands. I flinched but Poseidon put his hand on my chest and shook his head before concentrating on his trident again, which was buried into the floor. He wasn't ready yet. I bit my lip and looked at Metis again, who was still stalling for time.

"I know Cronus is a megalomaniac and probably insane at this point, but I can protect you. Even your lover, the Olympian Zeus. I will tarnish my name, give up my throne, lay down my life, all for my favorite daughter." Oceanus said while he buried his face into her stomach and began to weep. "Not all titans are good, but not all are evil. Like Themis and Prometheus, as of right now they're planning to join your side."

"You can't protect me and Zeus. If I go with you, the Moirai will start weaving my long and painful death. And what makes you think Zeus will agree with you?"

"Cronus can't hurt me in the seas. And of Zeus, if he isn't a power hungry monster like Cronus, then he'll prioritize the safety of his family. Of you." I clutched my Lightning bolt but kept calm. If I started losing control, my aura would flare and we'd be spotted.

"Your sisters Metis, think of your sisters. If you care not for me then at least do it for them. It's in the Olympian's blood. They thirst for power, they long for it. I bet if Gaea or even Cronus said one of your children would overthrow him, he'd end up just like your father and get rid of the kids and maybe even you." Metis' eyes were full of tears.

"Please." Oceanus stood up and hugged her tight. He had the face of a grieving father. Full of pain and despair.

"I- I'm sorry father," Metis said, pushing out of his embrace. "I know you mean well but-" she choked as the ground started to rumble and an 80 foot cube sprung from the ground and made a box around us, blocking Oceanus from the sea. Oceanus looked at Metis, he seemed to age 50 years.

"Metis, why?"

Metis was about to respond again but my spear stabbed through Oceanus' chest, causing him to cough up dark blue blood. I sent a shock of electricity through him, recalled my spear, and charged. Poseidon couldn't hold this barrier for long, so I had to be quick. I probably looked like a complete asshole but it had to be done. I couldn't agree to his terms and Cronus would just threaten him with Hecate or something and we'd all be killed.

I planted my foot in the dirt and stepped forward, stabbing at his head. He pushed Metis away and swiped at my extended foot with his trident. I activated absolute attack and let go of my spear to continue on its journey as I jumped forward and threw a punch at his chin.

He caught my fist and tilted his head out of the way of my bolt, but it just bent and stabbed him in the side of his head before releasing all of the stored lightning directly into his body. I turned into a fly and moved out of the way. Landing a few feet back, I took off the cloaks. It was starting to get difficult moving with them.

Oceanus pulled out the spear and threw it away but it just returned to me. His skin had gotten darker and some spots were entirely black. His right eye seemed to have exploded.

I didn't expect it to do such little damage and with the roof blocking us off, I couldn't call more lightning. It made me wonder where this light and wind was still coming from.

"Huff, Huff, Huff." Oceanus breathed heavily. The sad father was gone and all that was left was an enraged titan. All the ice and snow around us turned to water and were two feet in it now.

"Oh shit." I was swept off my feet and the world spun around me. I used my eyes and went into third person mode. I was in a swirling ball of water and I could feel my bones start to rattle. More of this and every bone in my body would snap. Metis was with Poseidon and was hugging her legs and had her face buried in them. Poseidon was still behind the rock and was probably wondering if he should just screw the barrier and help me.

I also wanted to screw the cube and just call down lightning but Oceanus cleverly had a stream of water connect me to the rest of the water on the ground. He had also encased himself in water and was standing on the floor. I wasn't good enough with the electricity to keep it from going wild and electrocuting everyone present.

I activated worthless and dispelled all the water. I landed on the ground and activated absolute evasion and my body jumped out of the way of the trident stabbing towards me, then again in mid air, and again when i landed. I was already getting exhausted. Lucky for me. Oceanus didn't seem used to fighting without water so I may have had a slight advantage. I got into my battle stance and stared Oceanus down before releasing my killing intent.

It didn't do anything.

Oceanus twirled his spear and charged at me. He tried to do a feint but with his inexperience and my eyes, it was obvious. As he punched towards my head, I kicked him in his exposed side. It didn't do much but it stopped the attack. I lunged forward and stabbed at his neck but he caught the spear in between two prongs of his trident and broke off the blade with ease before turning back into his giant form but kept his legs.

Oceanus now stood at 36 feet and his 40 foot trident was in his hand. He slammed the butt of the trident into the floor that sent out a shockwave that without my absolute evasion, would have blown me away. Poseidon wasn't so lucky. Oceanus cushioned Metis in a ball of water but my brother was blasted away.

Now that the wall was just a normal wall, Oceanus turned to the sea, and charged at the wall.

I lifted my Lightning Bolt up and summoned as much lightning as I could before swinging the spear down and pointing it at Oceanus. Purple lightning smashed through the ceiling and continuously struck Oceanus, effectively locking him in place long enough for Poseidon to stab his spear in the ground. I filled my spear to the brim with lightning and it glowed a bright purple.

My breathing was starting to become ragged and I was sweating furiously despite the cold.

Oceanus ran forward and punched the wall with all his might. It cracked but fixed itself instantly. He turned around and aimed for the now exposed Poseidon and launched his trident at him.

I encased myself in lightning and jumped up and onto the trident. I jumped again with a pulse of electricity and pushed the trident into the ground. I twisted myself and landed on the ceiling. I activated absolute attack and beamed my spear at Oceanus. It stabbed right through his chest and I released all the electricity again. He grew four and a half times larger, but there was ten times the lightning now and it was still brand new.

Oceanus collapsed on his hands and knees and shrunk back to his eight foot self. He was twitching uncontrollably. I landed back on the ground and caught my spear. I pulled out my xiphos and charged, preparing to cut him up into pieces. Just as I was about to cut his head off, a beam of white light engulfed Oceanus and I was blasted away. The barrier crumbled and Poseidon fell back, exhausted. I activated absolute evasion and dodged the spear aimed for my groin.

Stepping back, I helped Poseidon stand as Hades and the Hundred Handed Ones jumped out of my shadow. Hades was wearing his helm and was breathing heavily. His body seemed to freeze up as it went into thermal shock and he almost passed out. The Hundred handed ones stood at 70 feet tall and wielded boulders in their hands.

I knelt and helped Hades stand back up. "What happened. Where's Hyperion?" I asked. If he was here then it could only mean…

Hades confirmed my fears with a nod. "He just ran and we tried to chase after him but he was too fast."

The beam of light vanished and there stood Hyperion, fitted in his golden armour and golden spear. He was 40 feet tall and next to him was the completely healed Oceanus.

"Metis this is your last warning." The sea titan bellowed. "If you do not come with me, I will have to be forced to kill you."

Metis shook her head again but stayed silent.

Hyperion stepped forward. "For treason against Cronus, the punishment is torture in Tartarus. Will you come quietly, or will we have to lug your dismembered and burnt bodies ourselves."

Poseidon gave him the glorious middle finger. Looks like I started the trend.

Hyperion rolled his eyes. "Brothers if you help us, we can promise you will be heavily rewarded." He was answered with 150 middle fingers. "Of course" He sighed and charged.