Chapter 19

We reappeared on top of a wooden beam. Demeter almost slipped but caught herself quickly. The room was large with white walls and half-pillars that jutted out with torches bolted to them for light at night. The floor was bare except for a blue carpet that ran from the door, and up the steps to the throne.

Below us were four people. Our main target was seated on a throne made of sandstone and gold, in his hand was his weapon in sickle form. He wore a gold fustanella with a white belt and sandals. He wore nothing on his top, letting his lean, chiseled body be shown to everyone. In his curly brown hair was a golden circlet with a single spike pointing up in the center. He was in his normal size at nine feet.

To his left was our mother Rhea and she looked. Horrible. She wore a red chiton and had a golden circlet in her scarlet, unkempt hair. She looked like she hadn't slept in a year or two, her perfect posture was now ruined by her slumping. a pool of blood was forming under her feet, and her feet themselves were swollen and disgusting. Her cheeks were sunken and it looked like she hadn't been eating. Her eyes were closed and by looking at them, I assumed there was nothing behind the eyelids.

I couldn't see Hades' face behind his helm, but by how he clutched the chains, I could tell he was furious. We were only waiting for him to regain a bit of his energy so he could move the chains fast enough.

Standing in front of Cronus were two individuals, one of which I recognized. It was Atlas, our other target. He stood at ten feet and was huge. He also only wore a skirt but his was a blood red just like his eyes and was tied up with a dark orange belt and he wore leather sandals. He had fair skin and bulging muscles. His dark brown hair was cut short to just above his nape and his curly beard didn't hang at all.

At his side was a girl. She had skin like her father but was around five and a half feet tall and let her chestnut hair flow down to under her shoulder blades. She wore a red tunic with a white belt and the usual leather sandals. Her body was petite, with no alluring curves or anything of the sort. The only thing she had going for her was her cute, freckled face. She looked more distracted as her lightning blue eyes focused more on the small ball of fire dancing in her palm.

"The Gigantes have refused to help us against the Olympian bastards."

Cronus spun his sickle. "And why is that?"

"They follow only Gaea, who is against us. There will be no support and the nymphs are siding with the olympians as well. The Oceanids will not release Oceanus."

"Didn't I tell you to go retrieve him."

"There are five hundred of the Oceanids in that palace. Getting in was impossible. But, they pose no threat to us directly."

"And of the others in Tartarus?"

"Tartarus is on Gaea's side so to speak. He enjoys the taste of our power and would not hesitate to trap us." Cronus gripped the armrest of his throne. "We do not need them. We have me, you, Hecate, Themis, and my daughter here to fight. The Hecatoncheires will not be a problem for me. Aidoneus and Poseidon will be easily dealt with by Hecate and Calypso here. You yourself can fight Zeus."

Hades began to make the chain float, which he had cut into two ten foot long chains. Cronus rubbed his beard and flashed gold while Atlas and Calypso tensed up.

The chains shot towards them but Cronus vanished from his spot and looked directly at us from the other side of the room. Atlas wasn't as fast and his torso was wrapped in the chain. Seeing that Cronus dodged the chain we jumped from the ceiling as it exploded.

Hades sent the other chain at Calypso but she caught it and muttered a spell, causing the golden chains to turn into black, stygian iron. She dropped them and ran to Atlas but Demeter blocked her path with a wall of vines.

"You three distract Cronus for a bit." I said and readied myself while the others dashed to Cronus. I quickly activated Worthless on Calypso's spells and appeared in front of her and cut her head off. I could feel myself getting stronger as I absorbed a portion of her strength. I cut her up into pieces and used a wave of lightning to spread apart her body and incinerate a bit. She was immortal and would heal eventually. Might as well try to slow it down.

I jumped over to Atlas but had to activate Absolute Evasion to dodge Cronus' scythe flying at my head. He hooked his scythe under Atlas' chains and threw him away and out of sight.

"Aidoneus-" Cronus started but was quickly cut off by the biden flying at his throat. He dodged it and I appeared in front of him with my lightning wreathed spear stabbing at chest. I activated absolute attack and despite his speed it hit him and discharged the lightning inside him.

But Cronus didn't even try to dodge as he flashed gold again and I saw his adamant sickle flash towards my eye. I activated absolute evasion and it phased through me. Hades appeared next to me and stabbed at Cronus' eyes but the titan jumped away. Now that he left I could see a gold silhouette of Cronus mid swing where he just was and another seated on his throne.

Remembering this ability from Theory I jumped away from it. Those things were like checkpoints in time Cronus would make. He could have them redo the action he was doing at that time or appear in their position.

He tried to move again but Posiedon summoned walls to surround him on every side. The walls were quickly destroyed and he was wrapped in vines that he pulled himself out of quickly. But that was enough time for us to attack.

I dashed forward with Absolute Attack and cut his head off just after he made another checkpoint. Hades stabbed him in the stomach and stole his energy, renewing his own. The golden light converged around Cronus and he vanished before reappearing on his throne and lighting up again.

"That traitor Themis." He growled as he elongated his sickle again. "I see you've done her Theory. But you're not the only one."

He charged again but didn't use his ability. Normally, he'd push himself forward through time and zip over to an end location, but if you blocked his clear path, he'd run into the wall and stop. But since he knew we knew about it, he wasn't going to use it.

He was still fast nonetheless and quickly got in front of us. I dashed forward and stabbed at him but his scythe was longer than my spear. I quickly shot out lightning as he put the blade behind my knees. Remembering that move, I activated Absolute Evasion and it went through me and Poseidon vaulted off my shoulder and stabbed at Cronus' head.

Cronus smirked seeing Poseidon of the ground and vanished before appearing in front of Demeter and he swung his scythe down at her head. An oak tree appeared between them and it yanked the scythe out of his hand.

I activated Worthless on him but only the checkpoint seated on the throne vanished while the others dimmed. That meant that Cronus' power was above mine.

"Poseidon, stay on the ground!" Hades shouted as he stabbed his own bident into the floor. Large sheets of metal and gems started to fly around and try to slice Cronus in half. He quickly grew to 100 feet tall and stomped the ground, blasting everyone away and decimating the area.

I quickly regained my footing and caught Demeter who was flying towards me.

"Damn he's annoying." She said as a small tree grew to my head. I grabbed it and it grew tall and into the clouds. I called on all the thunder and storms I could and when it became too much for me to hold I began to grow until I reached Cronus' height.

I swung my spear over my head before slashing at Cronus who blocked it with his scythe. He stepped forward and elbowed my nose while creating another checkpoint.

I took a step back but he followed and tried to knee my stomach only to be blocked by a large wall. Hades grew in size behind him and tried to stab his back but Cronus vanished again.

He appeared behind Hades but his arm was cut off by a large sheet of combined metals that flew from the ground. It flew to Hades and he threw it like a discus at Cronus' neck. The titan vanished before appearing in front of me again in the middle of elbowing but I was ready and stabbed him in the chest and released enough lightning to power New York for a month.

Poseidon appeared at my side and stabbed his trident into Cronus' chest and flipped him over his shoulder and into a pine tree that grew out of the ground. I quickly spun around to cut his head off but he vanished again and with my eyes I could see him finish a swing and he ran behind a somehow still standing pillar.

I smiled and called down a lightning strike down at his location only for it to hit the massive head of Atlas who now stood at 120 feet tall.

A xiphos and shield appeared on his arms and he charged at me while Cronus, back in giant form, charged at the others.

Demeter tried her best to slow down the titans but despite their size they were nimble. Atlas tried to shield bash me but I used Absolute Evasion and phased through his body and stabbed into the back of his head and pulled it off.

I obliterated it with lightning and prepared to cut him up but his decapitated body spun around and tried to cut me in half. His head quickly reformed on his shoulder.

"That won't be enough to knock me down Olympian Bastard." He laughed. Rain and wind blew our clothes and hair around as rain covered our bodies and dripped from our noses.

I could see the others in a more than heated battle with Cronus. Hades stayed in the front while Poseidon and Demeter, who also grew to a giant, supported from behind. Poseidon stepped up here and there to get in a quick jab.

I spun my spear and stared down Atlas. I needed to kill him quickly and help with Cronus. He didn't react like other immortals when he was decapitated. Normally, their body would shut down and it'd be over. But not him. I'd have to destroy him completely and quickly for him to be out of the fight. Or…

I looked for the chains and frowned seeing them completely cut into pieces and flying in the wind. Atlas prepared to charge again when a boulder smashed into his back and multiple meaty hands grabbed the off balance titan and suplexed him.

Gyges smiled at me before he began to wrestle with Atlas on the ground. Cottus and Braireus stood at a good 100 feet tall each and were busy ripping mountains out of the ground.

Atlas grew to 100 feet and Gyges and I followed suit but he was already free and we had him surrounded.

He stomped the floor causing a dust cloud to rise up but I summoned lightning and blasted it down on him. He completely tanked it and now we stood inside a deep crater. The Hecatoncheires threw their mountains and he blocked them with his shield.

He smiled at me again and I charged.