Chapter 21

Cronus was wrapped in vines but he dashed forward any way. Hecate threw daggers at him before muttering a spell. Hades stepped forward but Poseidon blocked him and blocked Cronus' path. One of Hades' arms was gone and the other one was heavily injured. And even though he probably couldn't feel it, it would probably collapse after a few hits.

Cronus slashed at Poseidon's head with one kama and his leg with the other. Poseidon blocked the lethal one and I blocked the other. I activated absolute attack and shot a ball of lightning at him.

Cronus jumped back and Cottus caught him but Cronus easily overpowered him and threw him away. He flashed gold and set up another checkpoint. He stepped away from the armed Briareus and dodged a mountain.

Cronus connected the ends of his kamas and threw it, spinning like a razor blade at Hecate. It easily cut through trees and rocks without slowing down. Hecate was still casting and wasn't moving. I nodded at Hades and we placed ourselves in front of her.

Before the blades reached us however. Someone came from behind us and caught the double scythe. Themis smiled at us. "I told you guys to dodge this thing at all costs. You're not fast enough yet."

The double scythe flew back to Cronus and he made another checkpoint. "I wonder what they're offering for everyone to be on their side." Cronus laughed. "It better have been worth to die for!"

"I'd definitely die a million times to get rid of you." Themis pointed her sword at him.

"You're titans! You don't really think he'd trust you once he's king! It's in his blood. Father was the same and for good reason. Your power surpasses his no doubt. Your cell would be right next to mine in a day!" He laughed.

"Cynical bastard." Themis muttered. "Hey Hecate, hurry your ass up."

Hecate frowned but continued to mutter her spell. It better be something impossibly strong. Cronus spun his kamas once and charged. Poseidon and Themis met him halfway and began to do a joint attack.

Hades summoned metal from the ground and slashed and stabbed Cronus with the blades. I called lightning and shot through openings. Both of us wouldn't be able to fight Cronus with one arm so we supported them with our abilities. The Hecatonchires acted as bodyguards for Hecate so Cronus couldn't jump in and just kill her.

Cronus stabbed Themis' shoulder and swung her into Poseidon making them both fall over each other. He dashed at us and I called down a blast of lightning and Hades sent his metal forward. Just as the lightning flashed Cronus vanished and appeared in front of me.

He smiled and stabbed me in my side. Pain flared through me adding on to my other injuries. Themis and Hades stabbed at him at the same time and he vanished before reappearing at his checkpoint and he caught his double scythe before separating them and creating another checkpoint. He smiled at us. Themis charged him and they started trading blows.

Themis swiped his feet and Cronus fell over into the water. Before she could stab a gold light hit her and she fell asleep and fell over. She opened her eyes quickly and caught herself before rolling out of Cronus' way. Cronus stepped back as Poseidon jumped forward and stabbed at his head.

A gold Themis appeared and did the leg sweep again but knocked down Poseidon. A pine tree blocked Cronus' path. I looked at Demeter, who still had a hole in her stomach. She coughed up some ichor. She winked at me and held herself up on an oak.

Nine golden Cronus' appeared and charged at each one of us. I took a deep breath and activated Absolue Attack. It strained my whole body but I needed to. I blasted it at the concentrating Cronus and it tore through five of the phantoms. Hades threw blades out and destroyed the rest as my lightning hit Cronus. Instantly I called down a lightning strike on him while Absolute Attack was still active.

A large explosion shook the ground. I smiled as Hecate finally opened her eyes. They glowed violet and chains erupted from the ground and pulled Cronus to his knees. All the checkpoints vanished and his makeshift scythe vanished.

"Huh, underwhelming." I said. Hecate glared at me and walked up to Cronus.

"Not bad Cronus. You lasted longer than I expected you to." She smiled at him.

"Gods I hate you all." Cronus said weakly. "Fuck Gaea, fuck Ouranos, fuck you Olympians." He looked at Hecate. "Fuck you too."

"That's nice. Okay let's wrap this up! Zeus, the honor is yours."

I stepped forward. Losing an arm in a fight was the worst thing that could happen. It made me useless other than my lightning. I quickly cut his head off. "Hey Hecate, can you move this to tartarus?"

"Lazy scum," she muttered and she snapped her fingers. Cronus' body vanished and his energy flowed into me.

My wounds closed and thunder boomed in the sky. Cracks spread across Ouranos' body and light seeped through and engulfed me. Lightning travelled across my skin and through my lightning bolt. The wind picked up and I was lifted off my feet. My muscles bulged and my eyes began to glow brightly. The ground started to tremble and the water rose even more than before, as if it were just trying to get a touch of my sandal.

The wind calmed down and I was returned to the floor. I stepped out of the light and cracked my neck. "Ah. That was completely worth it."

"Ay what the hell?" Poseidon stepped into the light but nothing happened. "Why don't I get cool power ups like you?"

"I'm just special. Let's head back."

We returned to Mount Olympus and climbed up to get a good look at our new world.

"Erm, it's kinda flooded." Gyges scratched his heads. The water had covered everything and probably killed everyone. Demeter put her hand over her mouth. I'd have to ask Prometheus for a new batch of humans. Hopefully he agreed.

Hera climbed up to us and put her hands on her hips. "How come you guys just crawled right past us. Seeing how relaxed and beat up you are I assume the fights over?"

"Yup, Cronus is in prison forever. Feels good." I took a deep breath of rain. Hera rushed forward and hugged me.

"You guys did it. This is unbelievable."

Poseidon smirked. "I told you to trust us. We're professional titan hunters." He looked at Themis and Hecate. "Er, evil titan hunters." Themis punched his arm.

"We should wait for this storm to calm down and the water to subside and then we can get done with the formalities."

"What formalities?" Hades asked.

"Why splitting up the world of course. Cronus got the entire universe but I'd assume Zeus could share." She elbowed me lightly but it still hurt.

"Please stop." I said and she pouted at me. "Yeah, I'll share the world. Someone gets heaven, the sea, and the underworld."

"What about the earth." Hecate asked.

"No one claims Gaea. But on it, we do as we please as long as it doesn't harm anyone else." I looked at the shaking sky.

"A king sharing his power. You Olympians are weird."

I shrugged and began to climb down the mountain. When we reached the camp Metis immediately tackled me in a hug.

"Gods you actually did it." She buried her face in my chest.

"I know. I'm amazing." I patted her head. "Well everyone! I just want to thank you for risking your lives, ego, and dignity to help me and because of you, we are victorious!" I smirked and spread my arms out. "Who's better?"

"Okay you can stop now." Hades stretched. "We should get some rest and then you can gloat." He walked into his tent.

I frowned. "He's no fun. But yeah, I need a good, long, peaceful sleep. Don't wake me up." I gave everyone a hug and walked into my tent, falling asleep the moment my head touched the pillow.

I yawned and sat up. My arm was back and good as new, so I was probably asleep for a few days. I got up and stretched. I felt lighter than ever and probably could lift a few mountains.

My torso was still in bandages and I left them. I stepped out of the tent and was immediately greeted by more rain. I frowned and looked out at the still flooded world. "God damn what the hell?" I sighed and walked back into the tent. Hera was tapping her foot on the floor.

"Did you not notice me standing here?" She frowned at me.

"Uh, no. Sorry but you didn't say anything and I'm in the best of moods." I flopped back onto the bed and smiled. "So what do you need?"

Hera blushed and looked away from me. "Metis is already going to have a kid. What about me? You've never slept with me."

I scratched my beard. "I suppose that's true. I mean, if you really want to I see no problem with it."

"Good. Tonight we're going to do it." Hera crossed her arms over her small chest.

"Tonight? Not when the weather clears up?"

"No, Hecate said that Ouranos is barely holding up so the storm won't go away for a good while. I'm not waiting that long."

I sighed and laid back. "Okay, tonight we'll do it. But I need to warn you again. You need to relax with your superiority complex. It's a bit annoying and you're bothering both me and Metis with it."

"Yes I know." She sighed and sat down. "I've just been incapable of doing anything this entire war. And now that it's over. I'm happy but I feel like I don't belong anymore."

"I think you were an amazing nurse. I know you did these bandages."

"That's nothing compared to everyone else." She put her head on my chest. "Poseidon and Hades fought with you every battle and Demeter helped you in combat twice now. Hestia is healing you guys with her presence. The Cyclopes gave you guys this equipment, the Hecatonchires are fighting as well. Amalthea and Gida have been feeding us and Metis was the brain behind your operations. Sigh. And I was a good nurse." She chuckled and I rubbed her head.

"I'm sure you'll find your calling. You're just not meant for war and that's perfectly fine. You kept cool and never panicked. When you're queen, you'll have lots to do. And hey, your ability was powering us too you know. I was almost taken down by Cronus and I barely got away. If not for your little buff, I'd be dead." I poked her in the nose and she smiled.

"What are you going to do once you're king?"

"I need to make sure that my position is known and then we can relax. I mean c'mon. We defeated Cronus, the idiot everyone was scared of. We proved we were stronger than the titans so if they couldn't fight them, they can't fight us."

"You're an idiot but okay. I need to help Amalthea prepare dinner. See you tonight."

"Yeah see you." We both walked out and went our separate ways. I met up with the Cyclopes who were forging a warhammer. They were just experimenting with new weapons. I had given them a few ideas like axes, bows and arrows and others. I stepped up to them and they smiled at me.

Arges spread his arms wide. "Zeus! You're finally awake. We were thinking of making you a shield. We were thinking of giving it the power of Ouranos since you already have storms."

I smiled. "I came here to give you guys a personal thanks. Without you we would have died day one. You guys pulled through and were the reason for our victory." Brontes dropped his hammer and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Even without us you would have put Cronus in his place. You saved us and we returned the favor. There is no need for your thanks. We will always be in your debt." He let me go and started crying. Arges patted his back and Steropes gave me a smile.

"We will always thank you and we are honored our weapons were of use." He gave me a bow and his brothers followed.

"Man you emotional bastards. I'm happy to have you on team Olympus." I left them to their work and searched for the Hecatonchires.

I found them a bit higher on the mountain talking and laughing with each other while drinking milk. It was weird seeing them pass the cups through their multiple mouths and taking drinks but who was I to judge.

I waved at them and they stood to attention. "Hey guys, you can relax. I just want to give you the deepest thanks. Your fighting prowess was key to our victory. Without you, we'd be quickly overpowered."

Briareus crossed his arms. "You belittle yourself too much. Even without us you would have come out on top. It was fate."

"Yeah," Gyges said. "We should thank you instead. I've seen the outside world for a day and then lived years inside a cell in tartarus. But one day, you came in, defeated our jailor, and let us all free."

"You didn't even care about our deformities. You accepted us nonetheless and you guys have accepted us into your family without hesitation. We never even got any looks from you guys!" Cottus clapped his hands. "We're so happy that you found us useful and bearable."

"You guys are more than bearable, you're perfect. That strength isn't coming from nowhere you know." We laughed and I let them be.

Poseidon and Demeter were still sleeping so I found Hades at the top of the mountain drawing the Underworld rune.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Going somewhere?"

Hades shrugged. "Nothing's happening up here. At least in the Underworld there are people to meet. There was this dog man and I have questions. Not to mention I need to ask Hecate a few things. If you came to give me your thanks you can go back down. I already know that without me you idiots would most likely be dead. I'll take a page out of your book and say, I'm too amazing." He gave me a wave and jumped down into the Underworld.

I sighed and looked down the hole and sighed. "Another time then." I climbed down the mountain and met up with Metis who was checking on Demeter's wheat. "Hey, I don't think you should be working."

Metis looked at me and sighed. "Of course you had to wake up. Unlike you guys, I don't need to rest after just a bit of stress. I know what I'm doing."

"I actually lost an arm so I kinda did need some rest. And where did you learn how to deal with a pregnancy."

She rolled her eyes. "Please, I've dealt with my mom and Rhea. I know what I'm doing. Where did you learn your stuff from."

"Well, uh. It's just instinct." I scratched my head.

"Yeah I thought so. Anyways, Hera told me you were going to be staying in your tent. Took you long enough. You were literally cock blocking yourself."

"Cock blocking? Where did you hear that from?"

"I made it up. Anyways, go make some love with Hera so she can leave me alone." She waved me off and I walked away. It was almost as if she wanted me to have a harem.

I looked out at the now destroyed world. The barrier was gone and the water splashed against the mountain.

"Look what you did to me." Someone said at my side.

I turned and looked at Gaea. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that."

"It's nothing. Anyway I need to know when you plan on letting the Titans go."