Love Part 1

"I love you, Kim Dokja. Please, be my Mate."

Yoo Jonghyuk's words rang loud inside Kim Dokja's thoughts as he recalled what transpired several moments ago. It was already 11:57 PM and visitation hours were over at Yonsei Severance Hospital.

Dokja's face flushed red in embarrassment as he thought of Jonghyuk's warm, soft lips, his sturdy hands caressing his bare skin and his low, suave voice as he whispered to him. He didn't want to admit it, but the deep kiss both of them shared felt intoxicatingly good. Dokja didn't anticipate that Jonghyuk's Alpha pheromones would be overwhelmingly strong and it made his Omega instincts react by letting his body submit to carnal desires.

He recollects the moment when Jonghyuk's long, rough fingers slithered down his neck and touched the scent gland on his nape. Dokja remembers the awkward moan he let out when Jonghyuk fondled and teased the tender spot, he didn't think that his body had an erogenous zone in such a place. It was the first time Dokja experienced a wave of pleasure course throughout his body like electricity. Just a mere touch from Jonghyuk made his body weak while his insides fluttered and craved for more.

'Thank goodness… the nurse came in time. I thought I was going to get eaten by Jonghyuk.' A sigh of relief escapes from Dokja's mouth.

Their tender moment was interrupted by the pheromone alarm inside the room. After they had done the deed, a worried nurse went to check on both men as the room's buzzer kept on ringing at the nurse's station. Jonghyuk felt shame and guilt for the trouble he caused and apologised to the hospital staff.

Dokja found it amusing as he watched Jonghyuk's agitated face. Sweat trickled from his forehead and his voice stuttered, he rarely saw Jonghyuk's bashful side since the man usually keeps a calm and cool front. Eventually, the nurse gave both of them a good scolding for recklessly unleashing pheromones inside the suite.

The nurse sighed as she finished her sermon and prompted Jonghyuk that the hours of visit ends at 11:30 PM. It made Jonghyuk's flustered face turn dark and gloomy.

Dokja recollects Jonghyuk's pouting face as the man bade him farewell.

"Kim Dokja, you don't need to give me your answer now… I'll respect your decision to stay here. After all, your health comes first. I'll fill-up the form, just write your signature and I'll submit it downstairs to Admissions before I go. I'll ask Jihye or Namwoon to bring some of your clothes and your phone tomorrow… So get well and have a good rest, alright?"

Dokja lets out a tired groan. "I wonder if Jonghyuk got home safe…"

He contemplated the view outside the windows, the snowfall had stopped and a white blanket of snow covered the city. The nightscape was calming and the beauty of Seoul's winter welcomed him as the clock struck midnight.

Tears started to swell up from Dokja's eyes, he already prepared himself for the worse, but he did not expect that it would sting badly. Unlike in the past, Dokja didn't mind the loneliness. But now that he found the warmth of a family, he couldn't go back to the cold, silent days of being alone.

It was the first time in five years that he will commemorate a birthday by himself.


Kim Namwoon and Lee Jihye had retired for the night after a long, stressful day. Both of them were dressed in matching navy pyjamas and were cuddling each other as they slept soundly under the covers of a thick, comfy blanket. The couple was completely exhausted after running around Yeouido looking for Dokja several hours ago.

Suddenly, a loud, tenacious chime rang from Lee Jihye's phone, the high pitched ringtone jolts Jihye awake. Her hand swiftly reaches out to the night table where she placed her phone.

Although she was still half-awake, she recognised the sound, it was a tune she had assigned for incoming calls from Yoo Jonghyuk. Jihye quickly picks the phone up and quietly gets up from the bed, she then tiptoes out the room as she didn't want to wake Kim Namwoon from his slumber.

She closes the bedroom door gently and proceeds to answer Jonghyuk's call.

[Jihye, I'm sorry... for c-calling you in the middle of the night… Did I disturb your s-sleep?] Jonghyuk stammered as he spoke.

"I-I don't mind it captain, D-don't worry! I just woke up." Jihye felt a yawn coming and she let out a soft sigh as she rubs her eyes.

"What made you call in the hour, Captain? Is something wro-"

Jonghyuk cuts her off. [Jihye… Ugh... I need your help.] He then takes a deep breath before following up his response. [D-Dokja opted to stay in the hospital f-for treatment… Please… Argh... Take care of him in my stead.]

Jihye's brows creased after hearing faint grunts coming out of Jonghyuk's line. "C-captain, are you alright? Your voice sounds weird."

[I'm… fine Jihye. It's the after-effects of the inhibitors… Haahhh… Ugh.] Jonghyuk's breathing had become laboured and his voice sounded like he was in agony.

[I'll m-make this quick Jihye… Argh… I've packed D-Dokja's clothes, luggage and… a few gifts in a duffle b-bag and placed them by the shoe cabinet at our flat's entryway. I need you to… Ugh… Bring it later to Dokja, as my rut just began. Haaahh… O-our door's passcode is 1863, t-take the bag and leave i-immediately.]

"C-captain, what about you? Are you going to be fine?"

[D-don't worry, I'm confining m-myself inside my room until this rut p-passes. Just make sure to stay… Ugh… At the doorway and follow my instructions… I've also left a note behind the door… It's regarding D-Dokja's birthday tomorrow... Take it with y-you on the way o-out.] Jonghyuk gasps as he struggles to catch his breath.

[S-should in case, Dokja gets d-discharged… don't let him go home here… Haaahh… Please let him s-stay at y-your place for t-the meantime… Don't l-let Dojka near the h-house! Ugh… W-wait for my call! I'll l-let you k-know when I'm b-back to my u-usual state.]

Jonghyuk abruptly drops the call, leaving Jihye to worry on the other line.


The morning sunlight seeped through the windows of Kim Dokja's hospital suite, gradually brightening the room. The windows were facing east and the light outside together with the muffled sound of footsteps along the hallway gently woke Kim Dokja from his sleep. It was now 9:37 AM and the visitation hours for patients had just begun.

Dokja woke up feeling refreshed, his body felt lighter as the thermal pads attached from his torso and extremities were loosened. He did feel a hint of discomfort on his left arm as the IV drip was recently replaced. The solution was warm and it soothed the dull pain he was feeling where the needle had been injected.

A gentle knock on the door grabs Kim Dokja's attention, he turns his head and sees Jihye enter the room, she was wearing a long, navy-blue down jacket and black beanie while carrying a bulky duffle bag on her left shoulder.


"Glad to see you're up, Dokja!" She removes her coat, exposing her grey, wool turtleneck dress and hangs it up on the hook near the door.

"Ah… Noona...I'm sorry you had to take off work because of me-"

"Shush! No need to apologise Dokja! Hyunsung-Oppa volunteered to fill in my post while I'm on leave." She sighs. "What's important is, we need to get you back in tip-top shape!"

Jihye gently sets down the bag on the shelf beside Dokja's bed. She then inches close to Dokja. "Captain told me to bring your stuff, that way, you won't get bored. Here, I think you'll need this." Jihye hands over Dokja's smartphone.

As Dokja collects his phone, Jihye grabs onto his right hand and glances at Dokja's eyes inquisitively.

"Jonghyuk said you were staying for a while to get treated… Did the both of you fight yesterday?"

Dokja's face flushed red as he thought of the events yesterday. He quickly looks away from Jihye. "W-we didn't fight, Noona… W-we just had a v-very long conversation last night."

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes, we r-really just talked, N-noona!"

Jihye's eyes narrowed as she stared at Dokja while her mouth curved up to form a sheepish grin. Her gut was telling her something happened between the two men. She wanted to probe further but seeing Dokja's face turn blushing pink then to a deep red hue in seconds answered her assumptions.

'Looks like Captain finally found the courage to confess. Thank goodness, this dense couple...' Jihye's smirk turned into a warm smile.

"Alright, I won't force you to tell me what happened if you're not comfortable with it, Dokja." She then gives Dokja a gentle pat on the head.

"Captain told me to take care of you during your confinement." Jihye opens the wardrobe cabinet beside the shelf and unzips the duffle bag. "I actually arrived an hour ago, but you were asleep, so I went to see your doctor. He informed me earlier that you shouldn't be exposed to Alpha pheromones while you get treatment. So, it will only be me, Namwoon and Unnie who can look after you." She then arranged Dokja's clothes and hung some of the shirts on the hangers.

"I see…" Dokja sighs.

"Do you want me to get you breakfast?" Jihye stands close to Dokja's bedside. You're probably hungry…" She then adjusts the incline of Dokja's bed to help him sit upright comfortably.

"I don't feel hungry though, Noona… It must be because of the IV."

"Bah! Your body still needs food regardless!" Jihye ruffles Dokja's hair. "You need to eat and recover, alright?"

Jihye lets out a groan as she observes Kim Dokja. She noticed that Dokja's eyes were a little swollen, it looked like he cried last night.

'I guess Jonghyuk's notes were spot-on, he knew that this kid would be depressed if he spends his birthday alone.'

Jihye then recalls the instructions Jonghyuk left for her. She glances at the wall clock in the room, it was time for her to make preparations.

"Before I forget… Dokja, close your eyes for a moment!"

"What is it for, Noona?" Dokja glances at Jihye curiously.

"Just close your eyes! I swear it won't take five minutes!" Jihye pouts.

"A-alright then, just tell me when should I open my eyes."

"Yep! No peeking okay?!"

"Yes, Noona."

Kim Dokja closed his eyes, he heard the soft rustling of paper and cloth being unfurled, he also noticed a squeaking sound, as if someone was rubbing balloons and the rollers of the bed table screeched as it moved. He was tempted to take a peek, but Dokja knew better not to spoil Jihye's lively mood. He then hears the shuffling of shoes and some muffled giggling surrounding him. The urge to open his eyes grew stronger.

"I'm almost done, don't open your eyes yet, Dokja!"

Jihye quickly pulls out a small box from Dokja's luggage bag. She also signalled quietly to her companions to ready themselves and take their positions.

"Alright, you can open them now!"

Dokja slowly opened his eyes, his black irises dilated and his lips quivered as he saw his dreary hospital room turn festive.

Balloons were tied to the shelves, tables and along the footboard of the bed. Fresh bouquets were laid near his foot, while party banners dangled across the room after being fastened with tape on the ceiling.

"Happy Birthday, Kim Dokja!"

Kim Namwoon and Uriel pulled out celebration poppers and triggered them. Two synchronized pops echoed in the room and confetti rained down on Dokja's bed.

Jihye then wheels in the bed table, it was covered with a lime-coloured gingham tablecloth, and on top of it, rests a decadent lemon cheesecake tart. It had a topper of fresh berries, honeyed lemon slices and piping of dark chocolate, spelling out the words: Happy Birthday.

"We're sorry if there's no candles, Dokja… the hospital didn't allow anything flammable. So, we opted for the poppers instead." A bashful smile forms on Jihye's face.


Tears started to fall from Dokja's cheeks. Last night, he had already accepted the fact that he'll spend his 20th year alone. But, he didn't expect that his dear friends would make time for him to celebrate his birthday. Their gesture touched his aching heart, and it quelled the loneliness he was feeling.

Dokja cried, but not of sadness, but for joy and relief.

"D-Dokja! What's wrong?" Uriel tosses aside the popper in her hands and rushes to Dokja's side.

"Crap, we made him cry! Captain's gonna kill us later…" Namwoon scratched his head in frustration.

Jihye groans nervously. "Let's not tell Captain about-"

"...T-thank you." A timid whimper escapes from Dokja's mouth.

The three of them watched in astonishment and relief as Dokja collected himself. They thought they screwed up with their surprise since they saw the pitiful child breakdown in tears.

"Really… I'm thankful that I met you all..." Dokja wiped his tears dry and smiled warmly at his companions.


The sound of soft laughter and giggles filled the room as the group settled down. Jihye was busy tidying up Dokja's luggage, while Uriel assisted with feeding Dokja brunch and Namwoon arranged the bouquets then transferred them to a vase.

"Ugh… why didn't they allow candles." Namwoon sighs. "Cleaning up the confetti is troublesome." He then grabs the broom and the dustpan from the closet and sweeps away the stray confetti on the floor.

"At least they allowed pastries and cakes, so it's all good." Uriel then slices the tart into parts.

"Dokja, here, I know it's not Jonghyuk's signature Lemon Cheesecake but I can guarantee, it tastes similar." She then cuts off a huge piece and places it on Dokja's food tray.

"N-Noona, this is too much… I don't think I can finish this." Dokja stared at the slice, it was the 1/4th of the tart and the serving intimidated him.

"I doubt! Once you take a bite, I bet you'll ask for seconds." Uriel giggles. "Go on, try it before Namwoon here gobbles up the rest."

"Hey! I'm no glutton, Uriel!" Namwoon jeers.

"Well, you did manage to buy an entire tart at the shop a while ago… Are you planning on hogging one by yourself?" Uriel snickers.

"O-of course not! The one I bought would last us for days, right Jihye?" Namwoon nervously glances at his girlfriend, he winks at Jihye as if to signal to her that he needed help.

Jihye sneers back at Namwoon. "If you share, it will indeed last us for days."

She sighs and steps back as she watches Uriel and Namwoon bicker further about who was the biggest glutton of the group. She then turns her attention towards Dokja who was still hesitant about eating the slice.

"It's really good, Dokja. After all, the recipe was from Jonghyuk after all."

"Jonghyuk's recipe?" Dokja's irises dilated in astonishment.

"I guess you didn't know… But, Captain is a well-known figure in Seoul's food industry. He works with food & beverage businesses to develop their menus." She then pats Dokja's head. "This tart was one of them… He knew that there will come a time that you'd crave for the cake he always bakes on your birthday..."

Jihye then stows away the last of Dokja's clothes and closes the wardrobe.

"So, he gave the recipe to a cafe in Yeouido." she smiles sheepishly at Dokja. "You might know the cafe too since it's just across your house."

"Jonghyuk… did all that... for me?"

Jihye nods. "He treasures you a lot, so… you better recover and give him your thanks when you get out of here, alright?"

She then winks at Dokja and then heads toward her companions who were busy bickering by the bed table. The two were fighting over the oddly sliced portions of the tart.

Dokja's apprehension disappeared after Jihye assured him.

He took a small bite from the tart. The crust was sweet and buttery, the cream cheese filling had a smooth, velvety texture while it's rich, savoury flavour complimented the fresh fruits. The tanginess of the berries cut through the richness of the cheese, and the scent of citrus slowly filled Dokja's mouth as he chewed on the honeyed-lemon slices. It was deliciously refreshing and the flavours were reminiscent of the cheesecake that Jonghyuk would serve during his birthdays.


The flowers of spring started to bud inside Kim Dokja's heart.