The Old Evils

"The trace was lost at the casino. Why haven't we dealt with it yet?" A stern task force leader reported to a person who was pacing around his office frantically. He was also wearing white robes, ones that only a Blessed Son could wear.

Holding a diamond figurine of the Light Saint that they worshiped, Righteous Hero Haxor, he squeezed it tightly and said, "That extent of that old demon's power could even exceed both mine and Judas' divine powers. I have already requested reinforcements from the main church. We just need to wait now."

"I will grant you a blessing. We must eliminate this pawn to prevent any unseen consequences. As long as we survive this siege, we will get the opportunity to resurrect Saint Aureolas." The task leader could feel a warmth emitting from the Blessed Son, and could feel his whole body starting to feel lighter.

The unseen divine energy channeled into the task leader increased his belief in the Light Church. He shivered slightly, and opened the mahogany door, walking out. He could see every trace of demonic energy that was recently used, and at the only hotels in the city, there were traces of carnal energy being constantly created.

The task leader had a nickname well known by his colleagues, "Holy Bloodhound". When he was infused with holy energy, he was able to differentiate carnal energy from different tainted people, which made him one of the most valuable assets of the branch. He believed absolutely that this was the same intruder's energy!

As the Holy Bloodhound went off to track Metro, the Blessed Son in his office squeezed against the diamond figurine enough to break it. A twisted snarl appeared on his face, as the crystals scattered across the floor.

"Judas, that dumbass dares to try and scam me, his senior? Does he think that Indo not know of the existence of the Witch? Let's see who will be the victor in the end." Taking out a golden dagger, he pricked his finger, drawing out beads of blood.

Taking out a scroll caked in charcoal, he smeared his blood on it and wrote bloody letters of an unknown language onto it. Seeing the blood slowly soak into the charcoal, he wrapped it up carefully and stored it into his drawer.

In the drawer, the blood started to form a pattern. A blood red tree that stretched far and wide was created, but what was concerning was that the roots were formed entirely out of human heads.

The blood also formed words that randomly appeared all over the place, but when connected in haphazard lines, it created a sentence, "When the era of the human cane to the end, the time of a false god shall start again."

(6 days to the Witch's descent.)


"I can't believe I was in there for so long... it's already been a whole day." Metro felt the sun's scorching rays shine on him. As his sweat seeped into his clothes, discomfort was apparent almost immediately.

"Why is the sun so hot? This temperature is almost unnatural." Strangely, none of the people around him was drenched. In fact, a child even had the energy to jump and skip.

"Something unusual is going on!" Metro could feel the danger from the sun now. Shoving his body into the shade of a coffee shop, Metro started panting. He had not noticed his body being drained of this much energy.

"Don't you want to bask in the sunlight? It's good for your skin." Everyone that was not in the shade turned towards him and flashed a smile. With their hands outstretched, they reached out to drag Metro into the sun.

"What's your problem? It's so hot, get out of the way!" Metro tried to reason with them, but these people did not seem to relent to his arguments.

Metro had already recovered slightly from the energy drain, and he was stronger than a normal person, so he could swat all the hands away. These people stopped smiling, and a faint white outline glowed on top of their skin. Their attempts slowly grew more aggressive.

Since these people did not stop, Metro asserted a defensive stance, and started attacking them. Even though he was inexperienced in actual combat, his attacks were backed up by the system's upgrade, so they still carried much threat.

"BOOM!" An explosive punch knocked into the closest person, who looked to be a tall, thin man. However, the man shook off the attack like nothing, even though he did not even have muscles or fat protecting him. In fact, his face contorted into a shark-like grin.

"Accept the sun or meet your death!" The man's eyes glazed over, as his hands formed the posture of an eagle claw. He raised it above his head and swiped down towards Metro's head. His height proved to be an advantage over the shorter Metro.

Metro had already opened his Abyssal Eye at this moment, and was shocked to find that everyone of these people were all controlled by some supernatural presence. It burned away all their carnal energy and replaced it with some sort of fetus inside their soul.

What was horrifying was that these fetuses had opened their eyes and stared straight towards Metro's Abyssal Eye. Every one of them supplied a supernatural power to their host and layered it as defence.

Since they were not humans anymore, there was utterly no point reasoning with them. Metro drew out the carnal energy the demonic woman had granted him, and shot it towards the nearby man.

The man was slightly paralysed, which was enough time for Metro to run into the interior of the coffee shop. The coffee shop was empty, except for a lone cashier who was shivering at the corner of the shop.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking innocent people?" The cashier weakly raised a butcher's knife against Metro. "Don't come closer! I have a knife here!"

"Don't worry about me. Worry more about those abnormal beings outside." Metro knew that the door could only hold them for a few seconds. What he was really banking on was that they would become weakened enough without exposure to the weird sunlight.

Sure enough, the fetuses thought that Metro was about to become their prey, and exerted energy to crush the door with their powers. Rushing into the shop like a horde, they looked like shambling zombies.

Pouncing towards Metro, the chairs and tables were cut cleanly like tofu, offering no resistance. Metro could only use his agility to keep swerving left and right. The intelligence of the fetuses had dimmed, as they did not have a clear plan to take Metro down, and was constantly stumbling into each other.

Carefully setting down the bag he was carrying, Metro reached inside and picked out the steak knives he had stolen. He had been carrying it the whole time throughout the casino, as it was pretty light.

Raising a knife, Metro shifted around the destroyed tables and chairs. The cashier was long gone from the main area of the coffee shop, opting instead to hide inside. As the fetuses moved towards him, he could see their movements beginning to turn sluggish, which was a good opportunity for him to exploit.

Using the new found dexterity of his hands, Metro flicked the steak knife accurately towards one of the fetuses, who was controlling an old lady. The knife was sharp enough to cut through the weakening barrier, penetrating the old lady's eye, creating a burst of blood. It even shot all the way into the brain, cutting the nerves.

The woman fell to the ground, dead. Yet, Metro could see that the fetus inside her was still alive. Then, all the people around the old lady host grabbed her limbs and started dragging her back to the sun, no longer caring about him.

"You think you can just ignore me after you tried to take me over? Not even close!" Attracting their attention, Metro fired off half of the knives he carried in rapid succession, taking down everyone.

Even though the host bodies were dead, the fetuses struggled to survive. Metro could see the damage on one of the host body start to heal up through the efforts of several fetuses. He simply leaned down and stabbed a few more times to put all of them out of commission.

Looking at his watch once more, Metro found that time was gained once again. A total of 30 minutes or more was given. These fetuses did not prove to be as powerful, as they could be easily taken down by someone with enough smarts and strength.

"Ssssssss...." Metro was about to loot these people for more clothes, when the bodies started sizzling. A bright light appeared as yellowish vines burst out of the bodies. The vines only stopped when a yellow fruit was formed at its end.

"A windfall?" Metro hesitated at first out of his wariness. Who knew if the fruit was like a Venus flytrap, luring him into its trap? Metro then stuck his hand into his bag, and stretched that hand towards the flower. Even though it was rudimentary, it at least provided a layer of protection.

Flowers of Purity

Tier: E

Class: Mysticism

Consumable: This can be brewed into Holy Potions with Expert Alchemy, Master Crafting, or with the help of Basic Alchemist Station. Can also be used to temporarily restrict demonic beings.

Description: The Witch is not a merciful creator, and the world reflects her image. Her ruthless purification powers were inherited by the Sun Saint, Apocalypse. These flowers contain a minute amount of his powers.

[Penalty: Revival

Penalty Ended

-Encountered First Key, Apocalypse

-Calculating Rewards

Rewards: 5x Flowers of Purity

Remarks: Please do hurry up. You should not remain in the tutorial for so long.]