
"Tyra"Nicole yelled across the street which caught Tyra's attention which was fixated on the mysterious guy.When Tyra turned her head back to the guy but he was gone "hmm that's weird where did he go"Tyra thought as she crossed the street to meet her best friend Nicole.

Tyra's P.O.V

"So are you going to Liam's party this night, he'll want you there I'm sure of it" Nicole said as I thought of the guy I saw earlier.

"Nikki did you see where the guy I was talking to went when you yelled my name?" I asked Nikki who looked at me confused.

"um first of all when did you stop paying attention to me when it involves Liam? and secondly you were talking to no one you were just looking into space when I saw you and I saw you 5 mins before calling you" she said as we got closer to class

"But that's crazy, I'm sure I was talking to someone" I said, I was so confused

"nope you weren't I'm sure" Nicole said as we both kept our books in our lockers "

you know just forget what were you saying about Liam?" I asked suddenly excited. "It was about his party are you going?" she asked

"of course" Liam and I have been friend since middle school, we actually really liked each other but never admitted it because I once told him and Nicole that I won't date till college so I think that sent a signal because he never asked me out.

"Nice, well let's get to class". As we entered we saw Liam talking to someone, wait not just someone, the guy I met earlier but he didn't have the red eyes.

"You ! I met you on the sidewalk opposite the school but you just disappeared." I said with my eyes popping out

"Emm I don't think so, I haven't met you at all" he said with a confused look on his face but then again who can't fake a confused face.

"But I'm sure..." "You look exactly my cousin that she met earlier, excuse let me have a word with her" Nicole said interrupting me as she pushed me to the corner of the class.

"Tyra you were talking to no one I'm sure in fact I swear.so stop acting weird especially in front of a new person,remember first impressions matter". I looked at her then at Liam who was looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright Tyra". Liam asked me once Nicole left to introduce her and kind of myself to him."yeah,I'm alright maybe I was just seeing things". "you sure?" Liam asked .

"yes very sure" I said silently hoping that I'm right.

The pic above is the mystery guy don't worry we'll see the pics of all the characters soon

and about the short chapters i'm just trying to arrange the scenes well it will get longer with time