
Beatrice Nash's P.O.V.

It's been a while since she started the "talk" and since that, she just kept on showing us boring charts accompanied by her boring talks. Like what she is doing right... now.

"Just like any other schools out there, we are also owned by Mr. Hurley, he is the executive director of the school- followed by the different directors and staff as you can see in the charts in front-" blah blah blah

Should she really discuss what is already obvious?

"BUT! Unlike any other schools out there-" finally. "Our students are divided not into sections, but into different divisions. The Sleuth Academy's students are composed of 7 different divisions, all are treated equally, but they have different roles in the school and in the school society as a whole."

She showed us another presentation, and she started speaking again, for the nth time. Jeez, why am I so impatient?

"As you can see in front, you were divided and were placed into different sections according to your hobbies, personal background, your basic knowledge and the different trainings that you did before entering the school. Also, you study with your seniors, they are there to teach you everything they know to guide you."

That caught my attention. With that in mind, does it mean that I would be included to a class that is fashion related? Will I also meet people who also love fashion as much as I do?!

That got my adrenaline rush up. Anything related to fashion can get me really fired up.

"Now, before we divide you, I will first discuss the different divisions and the roles that you will be playing. Although, I will not tell you what classes you will take and what you will experience... Because if I did... Then where's the thrill in that?" Everybody seemed to understand. The whole place is quiet. It seems like every single one of us is giving her their attention. I smirked, she even got mine, although it was for a brief moment, I'll give her the credit. She's not just about the looks... Nice.

"I'll start with the TWOs…" She paused for a moment, "Why not start with the ONEs? Because that is group is very complicated. They speak for themselves. Only the ONEs can understand themselves." She sighed while I take a look on my side where they are seated, none of them are speaking. All of them look calm though. It seems that what she is telling us is true.

I thought none of them will notice me but I was wrong. The girl that is supposed to be 'my dorm mate' saw me and smiled at me.

That was awkward. Let's just focus. So I just looked in the stage... Again.

"Well then, let's continue! The different divisions don't have a hierarchy, regardless of its name. As I said earlier, you are going to be treated equally, but your roles will be different- just like how a society works. Going back to the TWOs, this group is composed of people who are inclined to politics. They are the ones who abide by the rules and make them. With that in mind, you will study the laws of different countries, starting with the school and the role that you will play inside the school is that you will make sure that every rule is being followed... If not, you have to tell the ONEs or the authorities of the school"

One word. Boring. Who would want to study law? That is pretty tiresome. I could imagine having a major head ache just by looking at the different law number. R.A. number whatever.

"Next stop! The THREEs. The group of THREEs is composed of people who are inclined in the medicine field. They will be studying anything related to medicine, including diseases. In school, you will be the first person to act when there are accidents or if medical assistance is needed whenever we are short of doctors or nurses."

"For the FOURs, they are the first one in the battle fields. In Layman's term, they are the warriors. They will be trained with different martial arts of defense and offense. They are the ones who will keep the security of the students and the school whenever it is needed"

I nodded. Pretty cool. But, when will fashion be stated?! Don't they know that designers are also needed in the society? Psh.

"Next is the FIVEs, they are the statisticians. They are the ones who will keep track of the main resources of the school, the count of students and etc. This is crucial to keep the balance of the school and maintaining its resourcefulness. They will keep track of everything and everyone that goes in and out of the school. And when I mean everything, I mean every single thing."

"For the SIXes, well... They are composed of great minds, they are the ones who will make every single thing possible -- the strategists. They plan everything out. Thus, they are the ones who should be asked when it comes to worst scenarios, what the other teams would do and should do... Be careful with these guys though, because they can read you like an open book. They can predict what is about to happen and what to do as a counter attack."

Only one group left... I don't think I belong here. There's no fashion what so ever. Argh!

"Last but not the least... The lucky SEVENs!" I rolled my eyes. Would it be lucky for me though? "They are the prime of the school! The technologists! They know how to hack, to build and to improve technologies. They would know how a structure is built -- its foundation and why it was built that way, in short they know how things that surrounds you work- they will study that. So, if you got a broken thing or laptop what so ever, just bring it to them, they know how to fix it. But be careful! They might go in to your personal agreements and information and even your secrets... Because they can hack it and they will - if they want to." She said then winked at us. She must've been from the SEVENs.

Nobody responded though... I know that they are just as curious as I am... for the people seating beside me.

And she seemed to notice.

"There, there. I know you would be like this so..." She looked at the direction of the people beside me and smiled, "I know how much you hated to talk in front and be the center of the attention Alexander, but you need to explain... Again" I looked at him... He sighed and stood up... Is he their spoke person?

"No, he's our leader." I looked at my dorm mate... How can she tell what I was thinking?

She just smiled at me. "I was once a member of the THREEs. I study medicine... But I specialize in psychology... So I can read you...Literally. Through your emotions and actions. You're welcome!" she said and smiled again. I should really be careful around her. I don't think she's normal. Not in a bad way though. I think she's really smart.

Wait... Did she said she was a member of the THREEs? Then how come she bacame a...

"Oh just listen" she said while laughing. So I did, I looked in front and listened to their 'leader'

"Oh well, here we go" He started and smiled a little, "I know that every group is treated fairly and equally, but I also know that there was an unspoken rule among students that the ONEs is above all. Ask your seniors - they would agree. Although, I kept on saying this to the past 2 batches... They can't seem to still approach us because of that unspoken rule... So I will say this again... You can come to us... We don't bite" And then he gave us a warm smile

"There's a reason for that though" he continued, removing his smile and became serious, "The members of the ONEs is usually handpicked - by us, every year. Each from the different divisions, from the TWOs to the SEVENs" he paused.

"Although, picking is not easy. All of the members vote on who to accept or not to accept. We even decide if we don't want to pick someone from that division- it's up to us and us alone. The school isn't liable in anything about it."

"How do we pick? First, we make sure you have the attitude. The attitude of a good leader, citizen and a person, itself. We pick people with values - with a kind heart - as you noticed, the ONEs are always kind to the people around us... But not all the time, if you bring injustice, we will treat you in the same way. If you are wicked, we, too, become wicked - more than you could ever imagine" then he gave us a cold smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

I looked beside me again. They all look calm. But then again, never judge a book by its cover... They're dangerous.

Mom's right. Dangerous people are the ones who always look calm and prim.

"There is always a list. A long list of names and there, we evaluate every single person. We pick the best the among the best - those who live up to the standards. We don't pick just any person. You should be at your best. All the time. " I got back to my senses and listened again as he said that.

So that explains why my dorm mate was once a THREE but now a ONE.

"That is also the reason why the process is long... It takes up to 3 months for us to decide for the new members. That is also the reason why nobody is judging our decisions. But of course, there is still an exception to the rule... You know how a society works so you would know what I meant. But no matter how hard for you to be included in the group, it would be a lot worse when you entered. You will experience things beyond your imagination... Trust me. I'm not scaring anyone - just a precaution" Worse? What does he mean?

"You need to abide by the rules - more rules. The ONEs had more rules, the rules of the country, the rules of humanity, the school rules and our own rules, which you don't need to know. Rules are really important to us - break one and you are expelled. Yes, expelled." Nobody dared to speak.

The ONEs... They really are different. No wonder they are being respected. I understand now.

"That is the reason why people think that the ONEs are complicated... Because we really are" He paused and smirked.

I swear I heard some fan girls squealing. Oh well... He is handsome and charismatic as he is. He is mysterious though... And scary.

"Many among you wanted to be a part of our group... But are you ready to face its ups and downs?"

"If I tell you the type training we undergo, and the truth behind it, would you still want to be a part of our family?"

"Would you still want to be one us?"

