Players Lineup

Grand sat beside her when they entered the meeting room. Most of the members are already in, waiting for Mr. Wan and DT.

"Are they having personal meetings or something? Why aren't they here yet?" Mantis was saying when nervous pairs of eyes stare at him.

"I'm nervous guys, I can't help it," he said, apologetic with his rambling.

"Just shut up!" One said.

Mantis looked down on his lap and started shaking his knees.

"Why is everyone so nervous?" she whispered to Grand.

Grand look at her in incredulity for she doesn't look agitated at all.

"They waited and fought for this reshuffle of members, for an opportunity to get a position in the team. Since WIZ now has two teams, members have bigger chances of having a permanent position in this year's tournament. "

Ms. E nods at Grand explanation. You can only have a chance to play with a stronger player and be in a bigger competition if you're a member of the representative team of the club.

She can understand the anxious atmosphere in the room, for these boys are all competitive and all have the goal to be the best in this field where only a few are given a chance.

She isn't feeling the pressure because she's not expecting a position yet, since she is a new recruit.

Grand was about to say something when DT when a grim expression on his face entered the room followed by Mr. Wan.

Members seeing DT's face all sigh a frustrated breath. They are all thinking of negative news for this sudden meeting.

"Good morning! I know, I know!" The ranking is still ongoing and hasn't been released yet, but we are now deciding on the members of the team.

There are a lot of you that might find it unfair since you're all working hard to get a higher position in the ranking, but let's face might get a higher ranking than what you currently hold, but the changes won't be exponential. Hence, there won't be any difference." Wan explained.

Rumbles of disappointment were heard from the boys.

"BUT," ... Wan continued. "What we are going to announce today are the main team members only, the substitute position will still be decided after the opening games."

Team members exchange a look of confusion, but no one dares to speak, since they can see that Mr. Wan is in his no-bullshit allowed mood.

"Ghost, put up the current ranking we have," he ordered in a stern voice.

"Uhm, okay ...we prepared a two ranking system for you to see," he said, opening the first slide.

"As you can see this is the ranking we all know. Your current ranking, in China and in the world. Now look closely," he said, opening another slide with a ranking they haven't seen.

Members exchange glances of curiosity on where the ranking on the screen came from.

"You want to know this ranking? Well, let me all tell you! That is the current ranking of all the CTF in China that they will release tomorrow! Do you see your names in there?" Wan asked in anger.

Members are shocked and speechless.

"Yeah, that's my reaction too! I'm fcking speechless. Do you see most of your name in the bottom of the ranking? That's where you are!" he yelled at the team that is now hanging there in head low because of shame.

"The new players of the new clubs are that good that they almost kick most of you off the ranking!

Now can someone explain to me what we are going to do with the plan of having the lower-ranking members of our team play for the opening games when most of you are not on the list!" he shouted in all of their faces.

Ms. E has her first taste of the famous temper of the owner of the WIZ club. But looking at the ranking, it wasn't really that bad. A thought is running in her head but she isn't sure if she should speak out.

"Do you think they will abandon the original plan?" she asked Grand next to her.

Grand didn't speak and just gave her a look and a small head shakes telling her not to ask any questions.

But too late, it already caught Mr. Wan's attention.

"Do you have something to share with us Grand?" he asked.

Grand went a shade lighter upon hearing Mr. Wan's voice directly asking him a question.

He was about to answer when Ms. E spoke up.

"I don't think we need to change the original line up of players we are going to send to the opening games."

All members' eyes turned to Ms. E, in awe and surprise that she has the guts to speak when the boss is angry.

They all give her a pitying look. Grand even gave her a pat on her knees.

Ms. E was confused with everyone's reaction.

"Explain it to us, why we should not change the lineup of players that we have. Other than the double team player Grand and DT, the rest of them are about to be slaughtered in the opening games, in such a terrible way that would anger me and put the name of our club to shame!"

Ms. E stood up, which shocked all the boys in the room.

"Well, for starters, most players in the lineup are already expecting to play, why don't you let them play and get them slaughtered to have a taste of defeat so bad they would just give up for they don't have what it takes to be here...

A riot of protest and furious members faced Ms. E when they heard what she thought.

...OR they could man up and give those in the higher ranking in that list a fight to shake them in their current position in the leaderboard." she continued.

Angry murmurs and death glares are thrown at Ellise from most of the team members.

Mr. Wan stood up from his chair and faced the angry crowd.

"So what are you going to be?" he asked, challenging the members of his team.