With My Little Eye #9

The king was following a path of which his eye brought him. It whispered to him to go to a certain location.

"The... hills... of Hope."


"Go there."

Repeated over and over within the Kings mind.

The eye was trying to lead him, or control him.

Walking... shuffle.

Exhaling heavily.


Miles upon miles of walking.

He reached his destination.

"I think this is the place."

There was a water fall beyond these hills.

A temple also.

"Go... inside."

So the king entered.

Inside the temple walls seemed smaller than the outside.

It was only one room.

The walls were covered with engravings

And markings of an unknown language of some kind.

"What does this say?"



"I don't understand. Why did you bring me here?"


Within moments, the engravings were revealed clear as day to the Kings vision. What was seen, was a prophecy.

"What is this?"

The depictions shown a man ruling over DusGoria.

Destruction and chaos.

"Is that... me?"


"Look... closer..."

"No... no it can't be."

This ruler had King Wonders eye.

Which meant...

Someone was going to take it from him.