Foreshadowing #11

"So what about this prophecy then?"

"Tell me."

"What does it say?"

But the FyLore was gone...

he had bled out from the wound Cleo had inflicted.

"Damn it!"

Cleo cursed

"I wanted to know what happened in that prophecy too! Imagine! Us being portrayed as hero!"

Gruntar said happily

"With the killing we've done, we'd be portrayed as the villains Tar."

"Oh... yeah, you're probably right."

His happiness turned into slight sadness

"We need to keep going."

"We're closer than ever before!"

"A surging feeling has entered me!"

"If you say so."

How did you know any of this story's part anyway? I thought everyone was dead.

Tyberious Sypher

Who exactly is Tyberious, dad?

Another hero in this story.

He was invisible!


Yes, and he used this invisibility to obtain all the information from this scene.

He followed Cleo and Gruntar ever since they entered the royal grounds.

Truth is... he's the only reason this story could be told.

But who is he?

Learn to have patience my son.

You'll soon find out. Trust me.

Cleo concentrated on his mission.

"All we have to do now is find the room within this castle."

Cleo said confidently

"Yeah... that's a lot of stairs though!"

Gruntar was exhausted only by mentioning the stairs

"Quit your complaining! Now, follow me."

Cleo and Gruntar ventured upward, towards the front door of our royal palace.

With screaming and explosions still happening in the surrounding area, the atmosphere was setting in.


it was still unknown to why it was happening.

Cleo and Gruntar had already finished their attack.

Gruntar thinks to himself...

There has to be someone else here...

"Hey... Cleo? Why do 'you' think all of the explosions are happening?"

"Maybe it's the actual intruders, that everyone's claiming US to be..."


"They're causing a lot of mayhem down there. Who ever they are."

"Why are you afraid?"

"I... um... we were told this job would be quick and easy. If these guys are going to be in the way, that could cause us some trouble."

Gruntar says while panicking slightly

"Then let the trouble come to us! We're almost at the end of our mission."

The confidence still continues through Cleo

After talking to one another for a moment, they climbed the - which ever seemed to be - an everlasting staircase

Both panting after their climb, they entered the palace.