After Tyberious was finished speaking with the King, he leaves quietly and under the influence of his invisibility power.
The original guard walked past him and almost made contact. If the guard would have touched Tyberious - it would have shut off his power.
How does that happen?
While he's invisible, he cannot touch anyone else or the effect will wear off immediately!
The electricity in anyone's body can disrupt the fields in Tyberious' body.
Oh I get it.
Tyberious looks around and takes in the change of scenery, quite literally.
With destroyed walls and debris laying across the paths of a place once found in harmony and peace; was now a graveyard.
With people trying to rebuild, it would take almost a year for everything to finally be amended,
once more.
"I have to find answers... for my Kings sake."
He whispers to himself
And off on a long journey he was on. Trying not to get into too much trouble.
But problems always arise, wherever you go.
So be prepared
To defend yourself.
In any situation.
You're doing it again.
Take what I say as advice.