Corrupted Mind #42

After Gojou had his last moments with his Father, King Wonder; he waited for what seemed to be hours - just to see if his heart would change. But nothing changed. All he felt, was nothing, but,

hurt and agony.

Which was the feelings that he made his father feel, in his final breaths.

A small feeling of remorse came unto him, but he immediately shrugged it off, as he didn't understand what he was feeling.

He wallowed in this thought, for a thread of doubt entered him also - for what he was about to do.

"Let's put this new eye in, shall we!?"

Gojou rips out one of his eyes,

and replaces the one missing;


SurGone/King Wonders.

"I hope this wasn't a waste of time... it hurts like hell."

Gojou notices the portal that his Father had created.

The gate to sanctuary.

Beside the portal was documented studies and notes, all to explain what sanctuary is and how it operates.

He was impressed.

A quiet creak of the door was heard...


Sebastian asks worryingly

"No dad here, just me."

Gojou replies in a eerie manner

Sebastian didn't hear his Father reply, and he didn't recognise that voice.

So this meant all kinds of bad news.

He enters the room.

"So... you must be Gojou then, huh!?"

"Correct. Who might you be?"

"My name is Sebastian. I am your brother."


"Yes, that's right."

Sebastian was nervous as he could feel the murder within Gojou's heart.

"I didn't think RahTahShar was being honest with me. I didn't believe that I had a brother, yet here you are.

So... Sebastian... brother... our Father is dead... I killed him.

His body is right over there."

Sebastian felt disgust in him, shock.

He looked towards the right side of the room, and noticed blood.

A sinking feeling almost consumed him to go into a frenzy of revenge.

But he calmed himself and continued to speak to Gojou.

"Gojou. Why have you done this? Why did you kill our Father?"


RahTahShar saved me from the kingdoms torment that day."


"What are you implying? Spit it out!"

"RahTahShar has corrupted your mind. But also your heart. You were raised into love, forgiveness and joy, happiness. from when you were born. He nurtured you in the beginning. He left to investigate something, and the kingdom was attacked the moment he left. It wasn't his fault."

"He said the same thing...

did all of you rehearse this before I got here?

You're boring me with these lies."

"I am, telling you, the truth."

"Truth or false, it doesn't matter anymore. I didn't get the answers I wanted, or needed to hear. The king is now dead, leaving the throne up for grabs. I think I'll take heir to the throne, as I too, am a prince of DusGoria, and I am now home."

"They won't accept you as their ruler Gojou. You've killed the very person they all loved the most. Their TRUE king!"

"Oh, they will accept me. I have just the idea for my plan to work."

"What is this plan exactly?"


Gojou lunges for Sebastian, grabbing him by the throat.

He carried him across the room towards the portal to sanctuary,

and activates it.

Speaking through the choke hold he was in,

Sebastian manages to speak a few words before his fate was sealed.

"You're my brother... my only brother..! I wanted to be your best friend. You're my only family left."

"Enough talk, it's time to become a human. brother."

"Don't you know what happens... to those in sanctuary... that die..?"

Gojou seemed intrigued to hear Sebastian out.

"You return here... in DusGoria's kingdom.

I will return to stop you! Ahhh"

Gojou tightens his grip around his brothers neck.

"Then I guess I'll see you another time... make sure you're prepared! I'm giving you a little gift, for when you're down there. A little thing, known as psychosis. You'll experience hallucinations in both the eyes and ears. Life won't be too easy for you, as everyday, will be of confusion. Wether or not, the things around you... your reality... is real."

"Please... stop this..."

"Goodbye brother..."

Within that moment,

Gojou throws Sebastian into the portal of sanctuary.

Where he is now being born anew,

in the life as a human.

Gojou takes a second to gather his thoughts again.

Then proceeds to the balcony, just outside of his Fathers chambers.