Zip codes Explained!

Zipcodes explained! here we go.

Zipcodes range from around $120-$1250 in price (this is an estimation)

There's about 47,000 zipcodes in the U.S

There's a zipcode rarity system that goes as follows: Grey=common, Green=Uncommon, Blue=rare, Purple=Epic, and Gold/Yellow=Legendary. (There are unique Red zipcodes also) Why is this important? The rarity is based off of Population, income of that area, and potential gamers! That means that you are more likely to make money (and more of it) from a higher rarity zipcode. This does not mean a grey is trash, it just means that Inkgames thinks this zipcode will generate less than a higher rarity zipcode.

Now here's my opinion of that: I believe it is very possible to stumble onto a grey zipcode that generates a lot of money. I believe it's possible that a legendary won't generate as much as it initially was thought to. Keep in mind, Inkgames launches in December. The zipcodes ARE NOT LIVE YET. Think of it as pre-ordering income.

OK BUT. How does a zipcode make money??? Well, if you had listened to my podcast you'd know. I'm going to explain it here though so don't worry.

A zipcode generates you and me money by giving us a percentage (8-10%) of that area's purchases! What this means is that owning a grey zipcode with a 20k-30k population isn't as good as a legendary, obviously, but it doesn't mean that it's bad either!

Here's an excerpt from the Inkgames website: "The Ultimate Marketplace

We are sharing the platform's economy with each player for EVERY transaction, including merch, in-game assets and subscription services."

On the Inkgames website it is also stated that new players will be drawn in. Here's another excerpt from their website: "Our payment engine (INK Engine™) will be the main 'hook' in creating new players, because their money is worth more on our platform. With a massive library of titles, including demos and early access, and our shared-economy marketplace, the INK Games platform will be second-to-none"

What this translates to is that the stuff Inkgames will offer come December WILL draw people in to play the game titles on their site! There will be people like you and I, who are here to make money and POSSIBLY enjoy the site, while there will be people signing up to Inkgames strictly because they want to play the new battle royale or maybe a candy crush remake or the next hot gaming title (strictly examples, I DO NOT know what game titles Inkgames will have.) This translates to purchases made on the Inkgames site! This translates to money made by the owner of the zipcode that the purchase is made in. EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO PURCHASES ANYTHING IN THE ZIPCODE YOU OWN, YOU GET A PERCENT OF THAT PURCHASE. For as long as you own the zipcode! (For life, past it down to your kids, ETC.)

Here's another excerpt directly from the Inkgames website:


The INK Games platform build is already underway. Right now, anyone can be a part of the INK movement when they buy an INK Zip Code or Postal Code! With several more virtual countries dropping soon, our platform will only continue to grow from here.

Players get paid on all referred zip codes sales during the build

Zip Code owners will get paid every time anyone completes a transaction within their virtual territory*

INK Zip Codes™ are limited-edition digital assets that can eventually be sold and traded"

This is why I said it all sounds too good to be true. In reality, it's just never been done before.

Now, if you are serious about this and want more info? watch this youtube video, it's 9 minutes long and it explains the zipcodes even better than I explain them.

This is a video done by Joe Ingram. He gives excellent details on Inkgames zipcodes.

He explains a LOT of good info but I wanted to highlight a specific section 3:30. He explains how a zipcode is projected to make the amount you bought it for, per month, in about 12 months down the line. Keep in mind he posted this video in June. After rewatching the video, he also talks about the gaming industry and by 2025 it's projected to double in worth (from 121 BILLION)

On a different note, There are big-name celebrities who are signed up to Inkgames already also! I cannot name them because I do not want Inkgames to ban me but I will say this. You definitely know these names. I HIGHLY doubt these celebs would be investing into Inkgames and buying zipcodes if this was a scam.

There are things that I don't know about yet, that I am still learning about when it comes to the payments and zipcodes and I thought I'd include them in this section also. So let me ask. Is this money taxed that is earned from the zipcodes? Seeing as the person who made the purchase would be taxed, isn't it illegal to tax again? You can't tax the same dollar twice right? I will probably need a lawyer to answer that question but as for now, I do not know the answer.

Sign up for Inkgames using my link:

Listen to my podcast:

I hope you enjoyed the read and found value in this chapter. I hope you find value in this whole book. The next chapter will be about my plans specifically once I'm making money from Inkgames zipcodes. Also, how I plan to use the Inkgames platform.