Chapter 6

I walk up the stairs and enter my bedroom I sit on my bed and I think about the book, I find it on my bed and put into onto my lap and open it, I start to read it over but I really read it, I look at every word, until I get to the last line, "I go to open the door, I grab the handle and pull down, but it won't open, I pull and pull until the door flys open and I fall onto the floor, I lift my head up to see past the door, but a white heavenly light fills my eyes, as I look closer -"

It hits me, it hits me so hard I jump up onto my feet and run downstairs past the kitchen and into the basement I run over to a brown crippled box, I grab a large mounting of papers and pull it to my chest, I stand back up and run back up the stairs past the kitchen and up into my room I sit on my bed. I look at the title of the top of the notes " book notes "

I read through to the last part of the notes and I see it, the place, the door was a time paradox and It was to London 1978, London. My father is in London!.

I jump back into my bed and the notes drop onto the floor scattering everywhere but I don't care, I state into the ceiling and I dream, I dream of seeing him, walking through the streets of London, wearing a long cloak and a top hat, nodding at the people walking past. I can't hold the excitement, what am I gonna do about mum, I can't leave her, I can't, can I? I turn over and stare into the wall, I have to find dad but I can't take mum, she won't come with me, she won't believe me, I have to leave, I have to. I turn back onto my back and I push it to the back of my head and I focus on falling asleep.