Chapter 17: Sadness of a father

Anmatre looks at the child. Clearly she has the features of him. She owns everything from him. He wants very badly to hold her. But unfortunately he has no opportunity. That is his biggest punishment. That he cuts his hand.

Asjya can also feel it. She can feel that how a father feels when he can not hold his child. She decides that she will help Anmatre.

"Take her! Anmatre. I shall help you." She tells.

"How can I ? She is too little to hold. Even she will get scared of me and I don't want her to be. What if she fells from my hand?"

He says the truth. Asiya can not teject it. Anmatre's eyes are full of tears. She also notices that. Without saying anything , he goes outside of the chamber. There he finds Aasar. Embracing his friend, the Pharaoh of Egypt starts to cry. Aasar can not understand. He asks his friend, "What has happened? Why are you crying? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is in a right order, Aasar. Everything except me. I can not hold her."

Then he gets away from Aasar who is now astonished by his friend's such mysterious behavior.

"Aasar, can you tell me why the Gods of Egypt- Amun, Maat, Ptah are so cruel on me? Have I done anything to them to deserve such punishment for which I can not hold my own child?  Why have I done wrong to the mother of my child? And I am the worst father in the world who can not hold his child."

With that he expresses his sadness and then his repentance starts. Though Anmatre is the Pharaoh of the whole Egyptian kingdom, Pharaoh of both upper and lower Egypt, he still can not find his mental peace because he can not hold his child. Even though the child, whom they name Aziza, runs toward him and calls him by what she should address him.
