Chapter 20: Excursion to Nile

Pharaoh is waiting impatiently. "What makes her so late?" He thinks, feeling disgusted.

"Women, huh! They are always late!" He exclaims to himself.

He cries her name and tells Asiya to hurry up. Then he turns his back from the palace to observe the sun to determine time.

He cries again, "Asiya! Will you hurry up? Even childj$pren are ready. I am ready. What is wrong with you? If you are this late, then fine! Tell me I will cancel the tour."

Hearing their father's words, the children get worried about cancelling the tour. The Pharaoh is ready to yell once more. He moves to do so, but is mute. His queen is right infront of him. She looks stunning at that moment. Her eyes are painted with Malachite, lips are pink. Pharaoh is lost in her beauty.

"What? Why are you not yelling now? Just a few moments ago your yelling sends all the birds to their haven. They are also frightened by your yelling. Anmatre." She tells him.

"Really, have I sent the birds to their homes?" Anmatre asks being surprized.

"Don't be silly, Pharaoh! You also know that."

Yes, he notices that. Before his yelling , many birds are there on the Acacia tree. But now there are none.

"Am I too loud?" He asks.

"Of course, you are. There is no reason despite you being loud that can send the birds to their haven. I'm sure, if a search is conducted, then some birds will also be found dead under the Acacia tree. And when those poor birds will be asked by Anubis about the reason of their death in their afterlife, their answer will be this, "Pharaoh's cry has killed us, O Lord of death!"

Saying these Asiya starts laughing. Anmatre only stares at her. He also fakes to beat her. But she gets away from him

She tells him,"Don't try to beat me. Not now. After we reach our destination, then beat me as much as you wish."

At this comment, Anmatre becomes silent. They go there by chariots. The children enjoy the trip very much. They swim, play and run across the bank of the great river.

Their parents also enjoy the time. Asiya can't believe her eyes. Because for the first time, she sees Pharaoh floating over Nile. The great river seems to accept her Pharaoh.

"Anmatre, don't go so far. You will drown." She cries out.

And she is relieved when he gets back to her,safe and sound. He returns to her, smiling.

They go to their children, who have fun with the charioteers, even little Nefera enjoys the time in the lap of one of the charioteers. The elders get training for war in a playfull way. This indicates that the Egytians also love their future Pharaohs.

The charioteers are very satisfied with their princess and prince.

Now they return to Memphis. In the chariot the Pharaoh holds the hand of his queen, surprizing her. He kisses her cheek. Asiya is even more surprized by this weird behavior of Pharaoh. They are almost at the palace's gate.

"What are you doing? Nefera is here. You can not do such things in front of her. And the charioteer is also there. What will he think of us?" Asiya asks him.

"Let him think. Why? Can't I even love my wife?

"No! Not publicly. Do so in private, I have no objection. But if I find you do such thing with me publicly, then I swear by Amun, I will ruin the rest of your life. Now let me go." Asiya tells him in a threatening tone.

Pharaoh let her go. "One day you will do whatever I wish you to do, Asiya. I will not spare you."

Asiya only shows her tongue at him. Then she disappears in the palace with Nefera in her lap and guiding her elder children.

Pharaoh only shakes his head in disappointment. Letting out a sigh he also goes back to the palace.