Chapter 25: Egypt's happiness

Asiya starts to feel the pain. She is on her way to her chamber. It is night and a soothing silence remains everywhere. One or two guards are seen here and there. She returns from the nursery. On her way she just feels that her surroundings spins around her. There is a guard in the yard of the palace. He sees her and runs towards her. He holds her by her shoulder and helps her to return to her chamber. The guard also brings her majesty a glass of water and then he hurries towards the rooftop of the palace of Memphis. There a huge bell is set at the corner. The guard starts to pull the rope attached to it, sound comes from it which means there is a danger. The sound fills the air of Memphis that flows over the Nile, awakening the whole city.


Pharaoh is now outside the medicine chamber. He, Aasar and the guard are waiting. But no healer comes out.

"Damn it!" I must go inside." He says impatiently.

"For what? You are not allowed there. Even if you are allowed there you can do nothing. Let the healers do their job and pray for their health." Aasar replies.

Then the chief healer comes out.  He is not Lord Aten but another healer. Bowing before Anmatre he says, " My lord! The gods bless you with twins."

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He is now inside the medicinal chamber where he plays with the babies.

Asiya watches as they play. Pharaoh declares for a celebration.  The whole Egypt rejoice that day. But little they know about what comes next.