Chapter 2

It's been 2 years since I met Tyler. He's my best friend now. We go to the same school. Of course he's in a higher grade then me but he's cool. If he see's anyone picking on me or bullying me he stands up for me telling them to leave me alone.

Daddy started dating Tylers mommy a while ago. And he told me a few months ago, that they were gonna get married. That meant Tyler would be my brother! Which is okay cause we're already best friends. And Michelle told me I could be the flower girl! I'm so excited!

Their wedding is actually today. Oh, and I'm 5 now! I'm a big kid! I ran through the house into Daddys room. He stayed with Uncle Josh last night while Maura and her friends stayed here for their party thing they had.

I climb onto the bed seeing her still asleep. I start jumping and giggling. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! YOURE GETTING MARRIED!" I scream. I squeal as she grabs me tickling me. "Are you ready to get dressed my little flower girl?" She asks. I smile nodding.

"Come on. Let's go wake up the others" She tells me. We walk down the hall waking everyone else up. I run to the kitchen as she calls that the foods done. I climb onto a chair as she sets some pancakes in front of me.

After we all eat we head down to the church to get ready. They get me dressed last since I'm known to be messy. I'm wearing a pretty dress. It looks blue but Michelle said it was teal. That's a funny word. I saw Michelle's daddy walk in and squealed running over.

"GRANDPA!" I yell. He laughs and picks me up tossing me in the air. I giggle like crazy giving him a big hug. "How is my little Natalie doing today?" He asks me. "My tooth is loose! Look!" I say pushing on my tooth with my tongue.

"You better tell your father when you loose it so the tooth fairy can leave you some money" He says and I nod. He sets me down as everyone gets ready to walk out. When it's my turn I walk down the little aisle tossing flower petals all over. I hug daddys legs before walking over to my spot.

The wedding is a bit long but that's only cause I don't like to sit still. When I see daddy and Michelle kiss I squeal covering my eyes. "EW! COOTIES!" I scream. I hear everyone laugh as I peek through my fingers. As daddy and Michelle walk back down the aisle I follow them with Tyler.

"Looks like you're my sister now" He smiles down at me. "That's okay. We're already best friends" I giggle. "Come on! I hear there's cake afterwards" He says as we run to where the ceremony thing is.

"No cake yet you two!" I hear grandma. "But Grammy! I need sugar!" I whine turning to her. She chuckles shaking her head. "Not until your mum and dad cut the cake" She tells us. We both frown having to wait but run off to play.

Not long after they walk in and everyone claps. At the table it's daddy and Michelle. Then me and Tyler. Then more of our family. Then everyone else is scattered at other tables. They had a buffet of food which me and Tyler got bunches of.

"Ugh I'm so full." I whine to Tyler who nods in agreement. "Now, if the newly weds would please come over it's time to cut the cake." A voice calls. Me and Tyler share a look before running to the cake. We laugh as they smash cake on eachothers faces.

After it's over they're leaving for their honeymoon. They were only going to be gone for a week but I didn't mind. I would miss them to much. "On three we need to yell bye really loud." Tyler says and I smile nodding.

"One, Two, Three" He says. "BYE MUM, BYE DAD!" We both yell. They turn back to us with big smiles and wave at us. Uncle Joe picks us up as we wave back. We're staying at his house until they get back. It'll be fun.

So that was 12 years ago. Life is a bit different now. Me and Tyler are still best friends. Nobody can change that. But I've changed a bit. But it's only because of what happened three years ago. I'll never forget that day. I don't think any of us will.

Three years ago, my dad died. I was with him too. We had gone shopping to get mum something for her birthday. On our way back, a drunk driver slammed into the car on his side. It killed him instantly. After that it changed.

Michelle was worried about bills even though we're doing great. She has been working 2 jobs even though her one job made enough. I got a job to help out with everything even though she insists she can handle it.

I know she can but I feel like I'm not doing anything to help. So that's how lifes been. School and work. Although I don't have the best rep at school. Like I said after the accident I changed. I get into a lot of fights. Tyler is always there to defend me saying it isn't my fault.

Michelle knows it never is my fault that they start but no one ever believes me. If only things could be different. If dad were still here maybe I'd have more friends. Maybe I'd still be the same girl I used to be. Maybe we'd all be happy again.

No matter how much she denies it, I hear mum crying sometimes. I also hear her calling his name in the middle of the night. I often have nightmares about the crash which ends in me waking up screaming. Then Tyler runs in to save the day.

When that happens he'd go make me a cup of strawberry milk and stay with me until I go back to bed. I feel like a 5 year old when it happens but he never cared. And it was the only thing he knew to do. My dad showed him that right after they got married.

He showed him how he made my strawberry milk and how I liked it. It's one of the only things I have left of my dad. Maybe that's another reason why were so close. Because he's so much like my dad. It's crazy, but maybe it's true.

Well, this is my story. And apart from my horror of a life. It's another story about a boy. Who came into my life and changed everything.