As the sun rose into the sky, light spread to all corners of the earth, and at various parts there were people who were mourning the death of their loved ones in the battle, but they all had one thing in common, they knew that it was worth it.
"We are gathered here today to mourn the death of the warriors who died in the battle yesterday, they gave their lives to protect and to ensure the continuity of our races, today those people will be seen as heroes, they will forever be hailed as heroes and to the families of those dead, I will like to apologize for not being able to arrive on time, you will be compensated for your loss and now I will light this incense to plead with the God of death, Hades to grant them safe passage into the afterlife" James said sorrowfully as he lit an incense and muttered some inaudible words to the large crowd of people from all over the world.