First Mission (Part III)

Ever since the night when Callisto stopped Chloe from her attempt against Prince Alcyd,

The young witch focused her time in training with her mentor, Kassandra.

Kassandra taught Chloe with,

<<< _Transfer Magic_ >>>

A magic that allows the caster to transfer objects or living things from an original position to its designated area.

Chloe trained harder to take her mind off from the revelation of Kassandra regarding her mother and King Viktor.

Her time in attempting to master and learn the transfer magic has been proven to be an uphill task for Chloe.

'Please work this time around!' Chloe silently prayed for success in her attempt.

While she is standing in front of her bed, Chloe pointed on her lampshade and the pile of books on her study table.

Then she tried once more for the transfer magic to be successfully executed.

Bzzzzzz …