Brother and Sister (Part III)

[-In the basement floor level-]

The entire basement floor level of the royal hospital was requested by Prince Alcyd to be exclusive only to him and his authorized individuals.

No one could enter without his permission.

Entrance to the basement floor level was sealed by both powerful witches, Kassandra and Susan.

There even warriors from Golden Moon Pack were tasked by Prince Alcyd to secure the area with at least 10 of them.

Led by Caleb.

Everything was quiet and secured. Due to the powerful sealing spells set up by Kassandra and Susan.

Though, Mia was not given the permission to enter as well.

Despite her high ranking position, she was still not given authority. Her complains was shut down by King Viktor because he promised Prince Alcyd with full authority on the royal hospital. As a compromise for the decision to officially declare Prince Alarick as his heir to the throne.