Anti-Magic Weapon

[-Inside the hideout of a vampire coven-]

Struggling as she was, Malia does her best to keep herself from the temptation of going completely dark at the sight of a wounded friend, Booth.

'Give in to the power!' the whispers inside Malia's head was becoming more difficult to tame.

It kept ringing and echoing all over her mind.

"No! No! I won't …" Malia desperately struggled within.

Then the sight of the double ended sword of Booth was in front of her.

A realization came into her mind that anti-magic weapons can cancel out any magic essence.

Her powers maybe strong but holding on to an anti-magic weapon may allow her to stop the urge of going completely dark.

This was something that Booth did not expect as well.

If anyone tries to wield an anti-magic weapon aside from its chosen wielder, usually the unchosen one who dares to wield it would feel a burning sensation against their skin.