Yield to me!

Lucas hugged his sister.

Shielding her vulnerability from any prying eyes.

"I missed him so much! Why does it hurt so much?"

From that point on …

Freddie yielded to the realization …

There will be no man like Alcyd in Selene's heart.

Her love for him was so strong that it did not matter if she will get hurt along the way.

As long as she get a glimpse of him.

It would be enough.

After venting her emotions, Selene released herself from the arms of her older brother.

Wiping her tears off from her face.

Regaining her composure.

"We need to hurry and get Melody out of here. I know for sure, they will do everything to stop me from getting out of the royal palace. Especially after the stunt which I pulled off in their wedding dinner." Selene told her older brother.

"You are right! Let's go!" Lucas agreed with his younger sister.

But Selene held her older brother to stay still.